Well, my turn for the axe...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Don't know how long I'll be on, they havent changed the dial-up access password yet.. I've seen it coming, just didn't want to believe it...

Anyway's, if I drop out of sight for a while, it's not because you folks weren't fun and interesting, it's 'cause they pulled the plug, and it may be a bit before I can get back on line.

Change my e-mail on the list to carldlilly@yahoo.com

They haven't closed the other one yet, but I'm sure that's an oversight they'll fix soon...

Jeez, should have stayed in the restaurant business... was a lot more fun come to think of it :)

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001


Carl, that is the absolute PITS!

I've been there, done that. . .and it STINKS.

Sorry to hear this news. Hang in there.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Thanks Brooks, they really closelined me, had already accepted the pay cut, was expecting a $2,000 dollar check today, got told nada...

How is it companies can screw us workers, and there is nothing we can do? Well, I hope they at least forget my free internet perk, as long as the phone and electric is on.. :)

This is why I don't own a gun, because I could really go postal right now.. :)

Well, tomorrow's another day, I guess since it's Friday night, my net access will stay live until Monday, that's something anyway..

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Carl--you know I know how you feel. Damnation. I'll e-mail you the info on Sweetie's new company--they seem to have plenty of money (at the moment, anyway). The freebie for the marathon business trip was a palm pilot. . . The group also got a medium-quality box at the Astrodome and $30 each in snack tickets during the game. Not bad for arriving in Houston around 10 p.m. day before yesterday and leaving around 4 p.m. today.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Carl! I'm so sorry.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Thanks Git, but you know, after 20 years of riding the IT rollercoaster, I'm seriously considering being a bartender again... it was a hell of a lot more fun, and only slightly less money (more money if I canned the ethics)

The bitch is, I started looking a month ago, have had three offers, and turned them down, because it was the same money, but less freedom...

Well, got plenty of freedom now :)

Why does life have to keep reminding me that I'm a dumbass?

Thanks, God... I'll be sure and keep you off my resume..

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001


Use your free time to investigate the company. I'm sure you could find some skeletons somewhere...

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Wishing you good luck with the next phase.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001


So sorry to hear about your job!

If you were expecting a 2K check yesterday, I'd demand that check.

They can't NOT pay it to you if you were owed it. (Unless of course they went bankrupt, then you may get to recover some of it.)

If it were me, I'd be all kinds of in their face until they coughed it up!

If you know anything about PeopleSoft and are interested in a move, let me know.


-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

((((Carl)))) sending prayers, dear.

you know Dan was off 11 months, hadn't been off for 18 yrs. now he is at a pi$$ poor excuse, working for a drunk and a druggie....left hand doesn't know the right hand, and they keep cut his pay!!!!....the only reason he hasn't told them to shove it is the fact he was 11 months "on the beach"

so Git...if Jim's place is looking to expand...Dan is very good at what he does....and is willing to travel!!!!! (but of course, wouldn't it be grand to telecommute!)

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Check out www.monster.com

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Carl, that was Brooke, above, not me, but you have my condolescences as well. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

I wasn't being silly, Carl. Monster com is a huge job site. I know about a dozen programmers who've found jobs on it.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

I dunno about Monster.com. Last year it was a tremendous resource and I finally told Sweetie I was letting the machine pick up cos I was tired of it! This year, we got only a small handful of calls.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Monster .com is good, but dice,com had more IT jobs at the time. but we are still getting "inquiries" from dice. but mostly..."We have a job for you....." and it is NOT the type he told them he's qualified for!

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Carl--that SO sucks...good luck with the job search. One of my sisters has been a bartender for 20+ years--makes excellent money, especially when she plays "stump the bartender" ;)

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Big Kumara, I'm afraid to ask what "stump the bartender" is all about. But, if it brings in a lot of tax free extra income, and she doesn't object to being treated that way, it's a free world, right?

Carl, if you do go back to bartending be sure you understand *all* the repercussions if you think about letting some customer "stump" you. Seriously though, I know you are a good soul, and I think you should open up your mind to synchonicity. It's amazing what will come your way when your heart is in the right place and you take the time to ask your higher spiritual helpers for something you need. And remember, you may get sent something you *need* which isn't the same as what you thought you had wanted. It works that way, right SAR?

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Thanks all... been mostly stressing out, but got my unemployment filed, explained what went down, and they backdated my claim to July 29th, so my waiting period ends tomorrow... checked monster and the local paper's website today, e-mailed and faxed a few resumes.... hopefully, I get similar results to when I was half-assed looking, don't have the resources to be too picky, like I was being....

Fortunately, I've kept my bills low, and the $230 a week from unemployment will cover the few I have, although it won't pay my $980 a month lease :) However, my ex has offered to let me and my son stay at her place if we have to, put my stuff in storage, and survive until I can get a few paychecks. (She's between boyfriends, and has the spare rooms) Also have a lawyer friend offering to do a chapter 11 for me if folks start getting too nasty, but hopefully it won't come to that.

The general manager who I've know and worked with off and on for almost 12 years will be back early next week, I'm hoping I can get him to pull for me to at least pay me some, but that's a long shot...

Well, I've done all I can till Monday I guess, so for now need to get my mind off it if I can...

I've never heard of "stump the bartender", but I used to do pretty good rolling dice :), ie., losing (you get tipped better when you lose!) That was just talk, though, I don't think I could handle the drunks anymore :)

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

Carl, that's terrible, $230/week. Sweetie got $375 and that was a severe drop from his salary. With that kind of income, you should also be eligible for food stamps and perhaps other programs, so do check with Social Services. You have paid taxes all these years to provide these benefits; it's your money. You may also be eligible for Medicaid, and you might want to find out now rather than wait for an emergency.

I hope, like us, you can find another job before things get a bit bleak.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2001

The max California pays is $230 a week... as far as the other stuff, as long as I'm eligibale for unemployment, nada...

I can get Medi-Cal though... as soon as I get a letter from Blue- Shield that my former coverage is toast :)

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2001

Varl? What's with the Varl handle? You aren't slyly practicing your bartender skills as we speak, are you?

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2001

I think he was practicing his customer skills, Gordon (snort!).

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2001

Perfect timing, Old Git. I was just thinking it's about time for a snort!

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2001

Sorry to hear about you losing your job Carl, but from the sounds of it, your not letting the grass grow under your feet. Best of luck in finding a great job, that you will not only get good pay but, satisfaction from.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2001

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