Don't You Wish You Were Me?: The Bragging Thread : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Go here and scroll to the fourth headline under "United States."

I'm not going to make you pay $2.95 for the full text. Believe me when I say it's chock full of charts and maps and such.

And I wrote it.

Tell me what you're proud of, peeps.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001


Proud to know you, WG.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

I totally wish I were WG.

It's just a little thing, but I'm all proud of this. If you'd seen the last Hardlucy website, you'd be proud, too.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

That's lookin' good, AB. Nicely done. I'm proud that packing and arranging all the utilities, cable, & internet service for myself & my housemates hasn't completely driven me around the bend. And that I've re-started work on my Daddy's sweater that I've only been working on since last Thanksgiving. And that I'm updating my journal nearly every day. I am so full of self-admiration that somebody better smack me.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

Damn, WG, you know you have the ass-kicking-est job ever. And, you get to keep your Skymiles. So jealous.

I'm proud that I can throw a damn good party.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

I went to the dentist today -- for the first time in almost two years -- and had one tiny little cavity. One. So little it didn't even require Novocaine.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

I'm thinking I should be getting an offer for an ass-kicking new job sometime early this week. One where things like Upward Mobility and Not Being Held Back Because I'm A Single, Childless Female will be a way of life.

My (current?) boss came into my office this morning and asked me if I'd start recruiting on campuses so we could hire another staff person; out loud I was all, "yeah! I'll get right on that!", while inside my head I was all, "in the *not* sense of the word. You're about to have bigger fish to fry than worrying about replacing an entry level person, I hope."

Of course, these thoughts have to stay in my head. Something about bridges and burning, you know.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

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