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Saving the world, one computer at a time: http://www.techtv.com/screensavers THE SCREEN SAVERS

August 1, 2001 =========================================== thescreensavers@techtv.com ===========================================

What's Up Today

CHANGE THE NAME ON YOUR SOFTWARE Wish you could change the registered name on your software? Here's how it's done. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/windowstips/story/0,23008,2433966,00.html

SHEILA E'S HOUSE CALL Scott and Roger paid a visit to the drumming ace to help her with a Mac problem. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/answerstips/story/0,23008,3340182,00.html

RUBBER ON THE WEB Jessica looks at the many faces of rubber on the Internet. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/supergeek/story/0,23008,3340293,00.html

HOW TO CREATE A LINUX INSTALL CD You can take that ISO image of Linux that you downloaded and burn it to a CD. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/answerstips/story/0,23008,2430586,00.html

DOWNLOAD HACKER CRACKDOWN You can read this Bruce Sterling classic on your PDA for free. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/answerstips/story/0,23008,2430586,00.html

CLONING HUMANS Did the House make the wrong decision? Read the rant, take the poll, post on our message board. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/interact/story/0,23008,3340295,00.html

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

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