Avi to VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello, Is there someone who can tell me wich program you needed to translate a AVI file to a VCD file, so i can played on my Philips CD-I player. thanks already.

-- Fred (Fred Tieken@philips.com), August 03, 2001


Virtual Dub can do this. You can find info on how to do this at various places such as: www.vcdhelp.com www.digital-digest.com www.doom9.net I record directly to MPEG-2 so I can't give you any practical advice, but if you check the sites above, they'll tell you how to do it. It is also possible to convert AVI with other programs, but Virtual Dub is free and it's pretty hard to beat in terms of quality.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), August 03, 2001.

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