NERO- MENU Problem : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I usually burn VCDs with Nero, without menu option. First time I burn a VCD with Menu. I choose 2 second time gap. when I try to play the VCD it repetaedly(Continiously) plays the menu, I couldn't able to play next chapter. Am I making any error in creating the menu.

Please let me know

Thanks saravan

-- Saravan Jana (, August 02, 2001


Have you got Playback control turned on or off on your player.. ? try use your menu you will need playback control turned "ON"

-- Alan (, August 02, 2001.

The first Nero5.5 that came out had a lot of bugs, S/VCD-menu wise, such as intermittently no NEXT (either to a play item or another menu page), incorrect number of play items, freezing on a menu page, etc. ahead claims to have corrected most of these bugs from ver onwards. Upgrade to the latest versions and see if your problem goes away. Personally, though, I still do not prefer Nero insisting on creating menu text for you instead of leaving your beautiful menu picture alone (you want to put text WHERE you want WHEN you want).

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, August 04, 2001.

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