Help with Tele-Elmarit Value? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I sold my 90TE a few months ago when I picked up a 90 APO asph; a sale I have regretted ever since. Anyway, I just ran across a "thin" TE, in absolutely mint condition with the rigid hood, caps and Leica pouch, and of all things, it is a German version(?) Perhaps a very few were made in Wetzlar before Leica moved the operation to Canada? Anyway, can anybody tell me what this lens might be worth? I have noticed that the "thin" TE's prices seem to have taken a jump lately...


-- Jack Flesher (, August 02, 2001


Just the opposite, Jack. The very last production was made in Germany after the Midland plant closed. I'm guessing there's an orange "90" on the barrel, the S/N is probably in the 3,4xx,xxx range, and there's about a 90-degree throw to the focusing ring vs the 180-degree of the early lenses. I've got a late Canadian version (3,2xx,xxx)with the same characteristics, different from a 1974 model I had earlier. Those late models are selling in the $600-700 range with the German one in mint cond at the upper end. Truthfully if you like the thin TE then the late Canadian or German version is the one to get, as whatever problems may have existed re: rear element etching had been eradicated by then, and the decreased focus throw adds to the convenience of this little gem.


-- Jay (, August 02, 2001.

According to Lager, the 4-element TE was introdued in 1973 (starting with serial 2585501). This version is an improvement over the previous 5-element TE. Most TEs were made in Canada, but production around 88-89 is engraved Germany. Hove (7th edition) lists the "typical" value as $700 US. Value of the older 5-element version is higher - around $1,000 US - but this looks like a function of rarity.

-- Ken Shipman (, August 02, 2001.

The one I have sounds a lot like the one Jay describes. With caps, hood and box [like new], I paid $500. I don't think that the guy I bought it from used it much more than I do. It works well, but I tend to use other cameras at that focal length.


-- Art (, August 02, 2001.

Hi Jack, I'm more interested why you "regretted" about it. I bought a Canadian 282xxxx version for around $400 without haze problem, I think the only advantage is the size compared to APO, but for the rest. The only thing I can say is "smooth", but we might agree it's a term we use for self-explaination if you're a APO owner. Why not wait and see if you cool down unless the reason you sold it is gone.. I don't know about German one, but have seen it for sale as low as $600.


-- Fred Ouyang (, August 02, 2001.

Thank you all for your input -- I feel a bit better about what I'm paying.

Fred, I regret the sale precicely because of the size/weight/pocketability issue. For travel or those times when I think I'll only need the 90 occasionally, the TE shines for me.

-- Jack Flesher (, August 02, 2001.

The tiny 90mm Elmar/Rokkor for the CL strikes me as a nice compact travel 90 as well. I have not tried one, but might be tempted sometime.

-- Bob Fleischman (, August 02, 2001.

A week ago I traded my Canadian TE for a nice new Elmarit-M. I already consider it a mistake and am going back tomorrow to see if my old lens is still around - as far as I'm concerned (shades of the LHSA Summicron 50 debate) the older lens, albeit softer in contrast, has more line-per-line resolution than the current 90 2.8. At least I have yet to see consistent sharpness from the newer design (and not just the one I bought) that matches what I got from the TE. More contrast, yes; better MTF, probably; but not the count-every-stitch (AND the threads on 'em) detail that the TE delivered.

I feel a separate thread on 'Changes in Leica lens design philosophy' coming on, so I'll leave it at that.

Recent 90 TE prices I've encountered: Canadian (1979) $595 - late German - $450 (but from a close friend 8^) ).

-- Andy Piper (, August 02, 2001.

Bob: I chose the TE over the 90C because they are essentially the same size and the TE is a whole stop faster. But, I understand the 90C (Rokkor or Leitz versions) are very sharp and perhaps a bit better on flare control.

Andy: I know exactly how you feel!

-- Jack Flesher (, August 03, 2001.

I have a late German 90TE, bought for $700, including mint glass, case, hood, caps. It also came with a UVa filter that had been on it from day dot. I wouldn't part with it for quids, as it makes a nice part of my 2-lens travel gear. the other lens is a late model 35cron. If you can get a 90TE with really good glass, no fog or marks, it will be worth it for the size. PN

-- Paul Nelson (, August 03, 2001.

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