Runner's World : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Anyone got any tips for slow little me? Are you a treadmiller or an outdoors only kind of runner?

Spill all your running secrets here.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001


Can this be the Pathetically Out-of-Shape Support Group? I'm STILL hurting from the gym on Monday. But I'm going back today, because I'm in the early stages of a gym love affair.

(Besides, all I have to say is, "So I went to the abs class today," and The Smoker suddenly becomes a much, much better boyfriend. Hee!)

Anyway, I would say, don't start on a 93-degree day. And don't worry about how long you sprint -- I think that would be classified as "anaerobic" exercise, which can do good things for you that "aerobic" can't, but which by definition has to be done in short bursts.

But I'm mad at you now, because your entry made me laugh, and it hurts to laugh right now. Ow.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001

A trainer friend of mine once recommended to a beginning runner to go out and plan on how many steps you're going to run. Like, say to yourself, "I'm going to run a hundred paces today," and do that, and walk the rest of your way. Next day, bump it up.

It's a mind trick, but he says it works pretty well.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001

Does running 10 paces to the kitchen for some ring dings count?

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001

No. Nor does running up to the corner to Chick-Fil-A.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001

A trainer friend of mine once recommended to a beginning runner to go out and plan on how many steps you're going to run. Like, say to yourself, "I'm going to run a hundred paces today," and do that, and walk the rest of your way. Next day, bump it up.

That's a really good idea, actually. But that's a lot of counting. What if you're like - was that step 78 or 87? 78 or 87?!

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001

Well, there's always running and drinking.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001

Well, I went running again last night and Mo went with me to help me pace. I was going WAY too fast. So I actually did the "correct" intervels.

Go me. Running for 120 seconds straight.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

See, I just don't even TRY to run anymore, girls. Once you are over the hill, and I am WAY over it, you either wet your pants or your neck is broken by your flying boobs!

I am going to be at the beach in October, if not before, and I intend to be looking GOOD by then so I have committed to walking each day and improving my nutrition. (Please note that I never said the word DIET!)

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

Keli, did you ever go check out the hashers? I've been constantly planning to go for about a year now, but something always comes up that sounds better than running and drinking (you know...just sitting very still and drinking).

I'm dying for you to go and tell all.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

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