HHTIPS Hot glue and BUD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Hot Idea

Hot melt glue is often thought of as a craft adhesive, but it can have a place in the home repair enthusiast's tool box as well. Glue sticks are melted in a glue gun and squeezed out wherever needed. When melted, the material resembles sticky glue; when it cools off, it returns to its former hardened state. While not a particularly strong bond, hot melt glue can be used for a temporary hold or for holding things in place while another stronger adhesive is setting or curing. Use caution. Hot melt glue is hot enough to burn skin, and it sticks -- like glue!

- Stephen Corwin


Call BUD

That is, Before You Dig. Digging can be hazardous to your health, even beyond sore muscles or a tired back. Utilities of all types are buried around buildings. This makes the simple task of planting a tree literally a life or death job.

Most urban areas have an underground utility location service often called "BUD" (Before You Dig). These services are usually free and require 24 hours notice. Before building, adding on, digging a fence post or planting landscaping, stop and think about what else might be waiting down there besides roots and rocks.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2001

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