Reviews of Nikon MF lens : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Can anyone share his experiences rearding lens Nikon 50mm f1.8 MF, the one with a metal ring in the centre of the lens.

-- Rajesh Tandon (, July 31, 2001


There are more 50mm f1.8 with a metal ring in the centre of the lens. One "large", about the size of the f1.4, and a compact one, same size as the Series E. (The Nikkor and Series E look the same but the Nikkor is multicoated). The compact Nikkor is the one you still can buy new. I have this one and it is just as good as my AF-version. You need a lens shade, not really needed with the larger version and the AF. If you are looking for a sharp lens with good contrast/colours - this is the one. Actually, any of the Nikkor 50mm f1.8. Build quality is excellent as with every other Nikkor MF.

Have a look at

-- Trygve Thorsen (, July 31, 2001.

I don't think there was any change in the optical formula between the large and small barrel versions of the 50mm f/1.8. I have the larger AiS version, and optically it's a very good lens, hard to beat for contrast and resolution.
I bought the lens new in 1982, but had to return and exchange the first sample, however, which wasn't up to the standard I expected. The lens also suddenly lost it's lubrication, about 5 or 6 years ago, and had to be re-lubed. The focus went very sloppy, quite suddenly.
This is the only MF Nikkor that has ever gone wrong on me. Older Ai, and converted pre-Ai lenses that I own, as well as newer Nikkors, have always behaved perfectly. (Touch wood!)

-- Pete Andrews (, July 31, 2001.

I have a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 ais. Picture quality is very sharp with good colour contrast. It has a solid build quality I particularly like. The focusing ring has the right amount of resistance; yet has a very smooth action. I only bought mine a couple of weeks ago so I am still in the phase of testing it. I have developed a few test rolls waiting to be printed soon. Will analyse & post the results asap.

-- Tom Vong (, August 02, 2001.

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