GEN...Shadow's Home : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

just copied this from IC to save time! he seems fine.

Hi, all, I have the little guy home, got him at 10 am, and he was crying and so very hungry, after all he's still a growing boy! the vet said he'd be difigured, it is not bad, at least it doesn't seem too bad...just looks as if he has one nostril larger than the other. I don't know why he uses METAL stitches...and then I have to shorten them so the poor thing can eat. but he's playful and lovey and right now is napping. that you all SO don't know how I appreciate the love and prayers.

Some say, it's ONLY a cat....well, what about...we are ONLY humans!!!!! animals are capable of sharing love, that makes them HUMAN to me!!!

anyway, a quick check of the board, and we have yard work today, will be on later.

But wanted to let you all know he's homw and happy, will try to get a pic this week for you. Inner Connections

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001



That is great news! Glad the little guy is doing well.


-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001

SAR, thanks for letting us know it went ok.

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001

It's evening, and he's eaten a hole can of yummy canned food...(a real treat!)

He just can't prrrrr loud enough... or snuggle close enough to his daddy... so I just PRAY this is the last surgury he has to have!!!!

Thanks again for all your support and prayers. I felt so bad for him...I would just about Die inside if it was Quinn!!!! (the runt, and my special "baby".)

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001


-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001

Great news, SAR! It's real nice to have him home again, I bet!

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001

Yay! Always a good feeling to have your babies home from the vet :)

If I remember correctly, the metal sutures are more difficult for the cat to dislodge and they don't mess with them as much.

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001

I hope that all goes well and that it was a localized tumor!

-- Anonymous, July 29, 2001

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