90 APO Summicron-M ASPH available to trade for 35 Summicron-M ASPH?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

All: I'm in the market for the vaunted 90 APO Summicron-M ASPH, but have nothing to offer in return but my nearly brand-new (true "mint" w/all boxes, documentation, etc., w/the possible exception of the "Echte Leather" tag for the case), but under-utilized, 35 Summicron-M ASPH (black). BTW, I'm located in the U.S. TIA, Chris

-- Chris Chen (furcafe@cris.com), July 27, 2001


what will you do without your 35, ...in case you mind

although the change seems good for you in terms of value.

-- r watson (al1231234@hotmail.com), July 27, 2001.

R: I have a 35 Summilux-M ASPH to cover the 35 length. I know that the 90 Summicron goes for more (@ least brand-new) so I'd be happy to put up the difference, depending on the condition of the 90.

-- Chris Chen (furcafe@cris.com), August 01, 2001.

well Chris it seems like a good deal, you would have the two best reputation lenses in the leica line.

I recomend you a M3 body for the 90, realy the best body for it.

-- r watson (al1231234@hotmail.com), August 01, 2001.

R: Got the M3 & am looking for fast "portrait" telephotos (85-90-105mm) for nightclub & concert photography. With adapters, I can use my pre-WWII Zeiss 85/2 & 1950s Nikkor 105/2.5, both in the Contax RF mount, but I'm looking to try some more modern glass. I'm considering the Nikon LTM & Canon RF lenses, too.

-- Chris Chen (furcafe@cris.com), August 02, 2001.

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