What happened?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hellooooooo...where did everybody go?

-- DevilsDelight_1 (devilsdelight@hotmail.com), July 26, 2001


I'm still around!

-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), August 05, 2001.

I'd like to know the answer to that one too!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 29, 2001.

Hope to see you guys this Sunday!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), August 10, 2001.

It's a date. ooooo. :op

-- DevilsDelight_1 (devilsdelight@hotmail.com), August 10, 2001.

...and the wash is back also! yippeee! Great to see everyone the other night...time to make this a reg. thing.

-- Washngo (gowashkf@home.com), August 13, 2001.

Hey! I just returned! I've been wondering where you all are...



I'm stil here, and if you tell me what time you're here, may be able to be provoked to fly in and save the day.. (best email tho, I'm not here much.)

-- Fates! (fatesfolly@hotmail.com), August 16, 2001.

shadowninja & caesaria are enjoying married life (in the middle of a dismal southern hemisphere winter). Thus the lack of attendance.

We _would_ apologize... but... well we're still in honeymoon mode (yes yes I know it's been months... but who else cares).

:) Hope to catch you guys around some time.

Remember to do something wicked every day... and go somewhere different every year.

-- M & K (shadowninja_911@hotmail.com), August 16, 2001.

OMG! I haven't been on VP in well like over a year anyways, maybe two.... It was like dejevu (sp?) Shadownija married Caesara Wooohooo Cool. Laighe it was nice to see your name... "-) Man it's like 4 maybe 5 years ago since I first came to exile... wow! Does anyone remember me? No matter, hello exilers.... how are you all? Love and night whispers to all lurking.... Hug ** smile! Whispa

-- Whispa Whisparing (Whisparing@hotmail.com), August 17, 2001.

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