Old Redwork Embroidery Patterns (1940's)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Where can I get old (circa 1930's/1940's)embroidery patterns. I'd like to make some of those red-work embroidery pillowcases. If you can find them free off the internet--that would be even better!

-- Ann Markson (tngreenacres@hotmail.com), July 26, 2001


try library or local quilting guilds.our guild members love to get a new person started on handwork!

-- julie (nelson3@bright.net), July 26, 2001.

I have some neat old cat patterns, from a book. They are actually from the 30s, I think...cats doing dishes, ect....but mostly I make up my own line drawings for my embrodery. I dont have a scanner, but if you wanted some patterns maybe i could send you some. Ben Franlin stores have alot of really cute, CHEAp iron-ons. There called Aunt Marthas, I think. Take Care, Carrie in Wis.

-- Carrie (carriemom23@hotmail.com), July 27, 2001.

I have collected many transfers in old workbasket magazines. Also have 5 envelopes chucked full of them. I hope one day to do a quilt with the flower patterns. These aren't to hard to find. Try rummage sales and I do stop at Goodwill and St. Vincent DePaul stores and any other second hand stores I can find. In fact I need to take another look around soon. Thre are lots of sources for needlework that aren't costly. I thread crochet and it is so much more satisfying using the older patterns. One can easily buy new patterns but oh to use the old ones.

-- Barb (bralsteen@ez-net.com), July 27, 2001.

Ann, Try these: www.quilterscatalog.com www.herschners.com

-- MelleJan (janado@msn.com), July 28, 2001.

I was in a store last week that sold a book ust on red work.It was 25 canadian dollars.

-- teri (mrs_smurf2000@yahoo.ca), July 29, 2001.

Thanks all. I found some old "workbaskets" from the 50's and they had a picture of what I wanted but (sigh) the patterns had been pulled out! I'll check those websites. If you know the name of that book you saw--please tell me. Am I using the correct term? Redwork?

Thanks to all of you for answering!

-- Ann Markson (tngreenacres@hotmail.com), July 30, 2001.

You might try lacetales.com they have some nice redwork transfers. I found many old time transfers on ebay.

-- Penny McConohy (surfengram2001@yahoo.com), September 25, 2001.

Keepsake Quilting has patterns. www.keepsakequilting.com order their catalog

-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), September 25, 2001.

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