Annoying celebrities. : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

I don't feel like reviving the older thread on this topic, so let's start afresh. What celebrities annoy the crap out of you? Release!

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001


Adam Sandler. I can't abide Adam Sandler. Moronic "presence," monotone delivery, etc., etc., etc.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Britney Spears. Man, I really didn't appreacite her lawyer's tone.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Sarah Jessica Parker. Not before, but lately. Oh, and Helena Bonham Carter, but it's not her fault -- she just looks like a forceps accident to me, or like an alien who's going to pop a whole 'nother head out of her weirdly hinged jaws, a head with many rows of sharp teeth and lots of ghastly drool. I have nightmares about that woman.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

That wasn't very nice, was it? I'm sorry, Helena. My boyfriend thinks you're lovely. And you were really good in A Dark Adapted Eye.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Kathy Lee Gifford hands down, how in the world did she get a job in TV? ugh!

Come to think of it, Regis is pretty horrible too seems like every time I turn on the TV that millioncrap show is on. Oh and that chick on weakest link.. she's not tuff, just dumb. The other day I saw her try to wink at the camera and it was like a robot all weird and slow. But I guess these guys don't really qualify as celebrities, really.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Have you been to the movies laely? They're showing a save the children public service announcement here before the previews start. Anothony Hopkins is the host - I swear he's the twin of the Weakest Link lady. they talk almost exactly the same.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Hands-down, it's got to be Winona Ryder. I am so very sick of her woman-child act, her rock star boyfriend o the day, and the irritating way she says "Newland" (as "neeeewwwwland") in "The Age of Innocence."

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Rosie O'Donnell!!!! And Oprah Winfrey, but mostly Rosie. I cannot stand her.

Jay Leno is an utter goober, unfunny and awkward.

I'm sure I'll think of more.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Goldie Hawn - the hair toss and giggle get old after 50.

And the worst offender? Carrottop. Can you beat Carrottop for annoyingness?

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

Why is he even famous? For being annoying?

David Schwimmer. You don't hear much from him anymore now that the whole world thinks his show sucks, but still, he annoys me.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001

I still vote for David Arquette. How this guy has a career is beyond me. But at least he's not getting paid $20 million a pic. Sandler? I. Just. Do. Not. Get. Val Kilmer went from hottie to mega annoying rather fast. And Kevin Costner? Sad. Just sad.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

I think Carrot Top is the one whose mom is a high-powered casting director. So he gets jobs from people trying to suck up to his mom. That would explain a lot.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

I can handle the celebrities who intend to be sorta annoying -- Jerry Lewis, Pauly Shore, Carrothead, Newt Gingrich, Carol Channing -- I can't say I respect them as artists, but I get that the annoying-ness is part of their shtick.

Celebrities drive me nuts when they confuse their stardom for wisdom. I can endure the ones who pick a pet issue and preach incessantly -- let Richard Gere and Marlon Brando use Oscars night for a bully pulpit; Charlton Heston has my blessing if he wants to be the front man for the NRA.

I get closer to the edge when a celeb thinks he has become an instant expert on his cause. Don Henley explaining how to save the rain forest, or Ted Danson giving his global views on race relations. (Can we all shudder collectively as we realize that Danson's expertise was acquired by dating Whoopi Goldberg? What a sick celebrity twist on the old "some of my best friends" line).

But the celebrities that I absolutely cannot stand, who annoy me beyond all measure, are the experts on every subject, who have lost all perspective on what they are. For example, Barbra Streisand chastising the Democrats for the way they ran the 2000 campaign. What exactly does she know about the nuts and bolts of running a political campaign? Does she even handle her own publicity? John Denver used to drive me nuts that way, too. He was Kissinger on politics, the pope on morality. I bet he thought he was an airplane mechanic, too. Hissssss.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

Alien! That was some funny stuff. The last line was so damb good. I think I luv you.

MichealH couldn't be more right about Jay Leno. Kristin, Beth and Susan couldn't be more wrong about CarrotTop. Once, on Politically Incorrect, one of the celeb guests diparaged CarrotTop's career right to his face, called him an idiot or something. Bill Maher, capable of being supremely annoying himself, countered the girl celeb's putdown with something like, "Yeah, but that idiot has one huge fucking house." I always try to catch CarrotTop's act when I know he's gonna be on.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

Ugh, Politically Incorrect. I saw that show a couple times and it seemed so dumb. Like they always have one actual expert (almost always a conservative) and then three actors or rockstars. There was an interesting article I think in the SF weekly paper on John McWhorty (The extreme right's pet black) where he talked about his appearance on the show. It turns out that the entire thing is staged. During the commercial breaks people are told what to argue about.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

I have a terrible confession: I think CarrotTop is kind of cute. Annoying as fuck, but cute. I have a thing for guys with freckles and curly red hair.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

melanie griffith. jennifer tilly. can't stand their voices. as a result, I really can't watch anything they are in.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

ohh I am so with you on the annoying-girly-voices actresses. annoying as all get out.

puff daddy, for his persistence in trying to rap (can't), dance (REALLY can't), have some kind of presence (with that dumb-ass frowny face that ineffectual men think makes them look serious and tough -oh SO can't).

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

You must, however, check out Melanie Griffith's website ( for laugh-out-loud inane hilarity. I swear. Open a new window right now and go there. Trust me.

Every cast member of friends except Lisa Kudrow annoys the bejessus out of me. Initially, I liked them all and she bugged me. Now, the reverse. She just gets better and better and they just get...thinner. In every way possible.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

Omigod, Beth. Melanie Griffith has an olj! I think you have a groupie. Can I have Antonio? You know I've got some things to work out with him, right?

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

Heh. I keep meaning to nominate her for a Diarist award.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

Showing great wisdom but poor spelling, Rudeboy said: MichealH couldn't be more right ... I advocate remembering that as a General Principle ...

I wanted to concur on celebrities who step outside their areas of expertise in some cases ... I don't know why anyone should take Streisand or Ted Danson thinks about politics or social issues. The fact that they're entertainers means they're going to get some attention paid to anything they say, but that doesn't make them right.

On the other hand, I tend to ignore this when people I like do it, such as Michael Stipe. So I think I'm probably responding more to the celeb's annoyance factor than to the simple fact that they're out of their depth on this issue or that one.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

Beth, you are insane, but as long as you keep Carrottop the hell away from me, I will forgive you. I find him terrifyingly annoying. And I think Helena Bonham Carter is gorgeous, at least when she's in period movies and wearing hair extensions, instead of modern ones with short hair.

I continue to be annoyed by Madonna, the subject of a fine lileks rant the other day. And Reese Witherspoon. That nasty little chin.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001

Heather fucking Graham drives me up a wall. I can't even think about her without my blood pressure soaring.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 2001

Barbra Streisand, for both her enormously inflated self-opinion and her caterwauling-through-my-nose vocal style.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2001

Angelina Jolie and her self-conscious sexy, pouting routine. Her lips are given attention like they are attractive, to me they seem a little deformed. I don't get it.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2001

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