Misc....Shadow is having surgury again tomorrow.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
hi all, I am running through fast, got things going on today.As some know about little Shadow..the cancer tumor is back on his little nose..I called the vet first thing, and he is going in for surgury again tomorrow. at least that is the plan..I did tell the vet, I want to give it a go and if it takes several surguries, I'm willing as long as Shadow is a happy, playful kitten. I see nothing telling me it is time to put him down. I pray if that discion has to be made, I can get through it.
so again, I ask that tomorrow you all think of little Shadow, and in prayer...ask that this is the last surgury, and the cancer is completely cut out.
we have be praying over him every night, and I do the laying on of hands over his little nose. So this is something we are to be learning, maybe unselfish...unconditional love...after all... he is a stray, and we have taken him in and did all this..I don't want thanks, I am trying to see the reason for this........maybe it is to show me...sometimes no matter what, the Lord still dictates all things. maybe it is to show me, I can give the ok to terminate his young life.
I am in a place I don't want to be right now.....I pray for strength to help Shadow, and do what is best for him. and I do still believe in miracles.
Have a great day.
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001
SAR, Shadow will be in thoughts, as well as those who care about him.
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001
Thanks, Brooks. he has lots of prayers coming in for him.
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001
Don't have to tell ya, do I? Love, OG
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001
thanks, guys...will be getting to bed soon, early day, have to be at the vets early.(No, Git...I KNOW! ) thanks.
-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001
I dropped him off this morning, waiting to get a call to go get him...the vet said he can't save that nostril, and his nose will be disfigured. poor baby. don't know how many more we can get through, there will be NO NOSE left.will let you know when he's home and awake.
-- Anonymous, July 27, 2001
Bless the kitty.
-- Anonymous, July 28, 2001