Murder most foul. How the "iceman" really died. : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


-- Lars (, July 25, 2001


I understand that the iceman's remains were accompanied by a suicide note chiseled in petrified wood.

-- David L (, July 25, 2001.

Given the guy's state of preservation the perp must have retrieved his arrow minus the flint tip. Quite a scene indeed if the victim lived as long as the article suggests.

-- Carlos (, July 26, 2001.

It took TEN YEARS to discover this? Sounds like a cover-up.

-- WomanInRed (DogBoy@Umbrella.Man), July 26, 2001.

A 'lone' archer no doubt.

-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), July 27, 2001.

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