Advice needed on buying second hand m6 (my first) : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm currently shooting all with Nikon f100 and AFS lenses but I'm contemplating buying some Leica equipment.

I have the opportunity to buy a black m6 + elmarit f2.8 28mm (1982) + summicron (canadian) f2 90mm (1966) for usd 1600.-

From what I gather this seems like a reasonable price if it's all in good condition. I haven't seen that yet.

I'm into wedding, people and travel photography.

Would this be a good deal or am I overpaying? Since US 1600 is still a lot of money I would appreciate your comments. Also I don't mind paying for the Leica name but then I do expect the best of the best (almost) and would hate to buy stuff only to find out that I would have been better off buying new material or different types.

Thanks in advance Bas

-- Bas Wip (, July 25, 2001


The price actually seems a bit too low, so I'd be careful that the equipment hasn't been banged up too badly. That's about $2200 worth of stuff (even on Ebay) if it is in good clean shape and fully working.

-- Andrew Schank (, July 25, 2001.

I'd say even $2200 is on the low side, so I'd definitely check it out thoroughly.

-- Jay (, July 25, 2001.

If you decide not to get it, let me know where it is!

-- Dave Jenkins (, July 25, 2001.

Check out "Leica M Used Buying Guide" available to download at

-- Cosmo Genovese (, July 25, 2001.

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