How should I spend an unexpected day off? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
So, um, apparently I'm taking tomorrow and Friday off.I was debating whether I should take a half or full day on Friday (we're going to CT in the afternoon on Friday, B&B that night, auction on Saturday) and my boss kep saying take the whole day. And this morning I was very grumpy because I didn't sleep due to the Africa hot and swamp humid weather and I'm just sick of these people I have to deal with and their unreasonableness and apparently Boss has decided I am about to have a nervous breakdown. Basically, I've been ordered to take tomorrow and Friday off, enjoy my four-day weekend, and be my old happy self on Monday.
So, what should I do tomorrow to restore myself? Sit around on my ass watching TV or playing games like I do every Saturday and Sunday? Go spend my birthday money? Make cookies or a cake or a tart or something? Go adopt a dog without rog's permission or knowledge so that when he gets home I already have it and he can't say no? Go to a park and read and draw? Dig a hole in the backyard, fill it with water, call it a pool and roll around in the mud like a pig? Tell me what to do!
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
Is there a dog park where you live? Take a book and maybe a tennis ball, and go hang out there for a while. Play with other people's puppies.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
As the mother of a toddler, I use every bonus day off for movies or naps (assuming the wee one is in daycare).
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
Hmm, good idea, Beth. I'm sure there are dog parks in Boston, I've never seen any out here in the 'burbs.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
I like the drawing idea. Go buy yourself some special pencils or markers or crayons. Something fun. It's so easy and inexpensive to splurge on cool paper and things to draw with (unless you're an art snob about supplies).Then go find a quiet corner of a park and draw stuff. Or an outdoor cafe. Or the bathtub, whatever works.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
Wondering what you should od on your day off? Two words: Masturbation ThreadJust kidding. The hole in the backyard rolling around like a pig idea sounds quite wonderful.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
Sleep and read. It's sounds boring I know, but I LOVE those types of days off.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
I'm going to combine all the suggestions except the dog part, sadly. I'm going to CT by myself tomorrow to stay at a B&B. (We were already planning to stay there Friday night so r will join me then.) I'm going to sit in their gardens and read and draw and then swim. Sadly, rudeboy, it's a real pool, no mud wrestling. I'm wicked excited.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
Ooooh, a B&B sounds wonderful. I am intensely jealous. Have fun.
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2001