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Air CirculationIf you heat or cool with a forced air system, consider letting the fan operate continuously. In the summer, the constantly moving air will provide some cooling, even when the AC is not running. Continuous operation will better ventilate the whole house in all seasons and will provide for full-time air filtration as well. (Some folks might find this air movement uncomfortable in the winter.)
Running the fan continuously may or may not affect your energy bill; this depends on many factors, but it is not always negative. If you'd like to try running the fan continuously, most thermostats have a fan switch. Flip the switch from "auto" to "on" for a trial period and see how it affects the climate in your house.
- Stephen Corwin
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001
Thanks, SAR, I tend to forget about this option. I mostly rely on windows and the occasional fan to cool down the house at night, but there are always areas of uneven temperature. The house system should be able to help with that.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001