MERCURY - Advisory on marine species of fish : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Of course, the fish they are most concerned about are the fish you should be seeking out for their essential fatty acid benefits.

State officials issue mercury warning on fish By Mac Daniel, Globe Staff, 07/24/01

In one of the strongest statewide mercury warnings to date, Massachusetts health officials yesterday expanded their advisory against eating fish contaminated with mercury to include saltwater species.

The advisory, which in the past focused on nursing mothers, pregnant women and children under 12, also added women of childbearing age to the list of those who should avoid eating certain species of both freshwater and saltwater fish.

The statewide advisory is the first of its kind in New England to include ocean fish, specifically shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tuna steak and tilefish. Previous advisories had included only freshwater fish.

The state Department of Public Health also added warnings against eating canned tuna, especially white or chunk white tuna, which may contain higher levels of mercury.

But the most stringent of the warnings was also the most subtle, with health officials warning mothers, young children or mothers-to-be against eating more than 12 ounces of any fish not covered by existing advisories.

The warnings come in response to an increase in testing information for mercury as well as a recent federal Food and Drug Administration advisory.

"I think what we're trying to do today is put the message out a little more clearly," said Suzanne Condon, assistant commissioner for the state Department of Public Health.

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2001


Bummer. I wonder if sardines are safe/safer?

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2001

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