farscape season 3

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have Farscape 3.01 to 3.06 as VCD´s and are looking for the other eppies from the third season. It must not be VCD, I also would love to take avi or mpg Files. Please mail me at kwollina@web.de Thanks in advance Karin

-- Karin (kwollina@web.de), July 24, 2001


Have you heard of Limewire or Morpheus, these are file sharing programs, similar to Napster. Using these programs you can download vids of a lot of popular shows as well as movies(I got to watch the last episode of ST Voyager months before it aired in the UK). Be aware the quality isn't usually very good and the files are HUGE!!!.

-- mick harrison (mh2360@aol.com), July 29, 2001.

can i get farscape from you to download :)

-- jim heinonen (agrotzh@spray.se), August 06, 2001.

hi there have u got season 3.3 / 3.13 n 3.19

-- david (davidonline18@msn.com), February 06, 2003.

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