Teen Smashes Six Cars, Fails Driving Test

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Friday July 20 7:32 AM ET

Teen Smashes Six Cars, Fails Driving Test

TORONTO (Reuters) - A teenager crashed into six cars and injured one person when she tried to park at the end of her driving test, Toronto police said on Thursday.

The driving instructor, who had been about to give the girl her driver's license, changed his mind after the accident, which happened on Wednesday in a suburb north of Toronto.

``They came back to the parking lot of the testing center and when they went to park the car, the car went out of control and it struck the vehicles and a pedestrian,'' said a police official.

After it hit the first four cars, the teen's vehicle spun around and hit two more vehicles.

A woman who was standing between two of the cars was taken to hospital with leg injuries.

An examiner who witnessed the crash said the teenager panicked while trying to park the car and hit the gas pedal instead of the brake.

The teen was hospitalized for minor leg injuries.

The driving instructor was treated for shock.

``He's back working today'', the police spokesman said.

-- Tidbit (of@the.day), July 24, 2001


poor kid

hey have you ever forgotten for a split second that you were driving an automatic instead of a stick shift? Your left foot goes for the clutch pedal out of habit. yikes mini heart attack =)

-- (cin@cin.cin), July 25, 2001.

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