PC tips......working offlinegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Offline With Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+Remember subscriptions? That was the big thing in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. Well, subscriptions aren't really gone -- they've just been renamed. The feature currently called "Make available offline" is really the same thing as subscriptions. The idea is to grab Web pages in advance and store them on your computer so you get a faster display when you're ready to use them.
To use this feature, right click a Favorites entry and choose the "Make available offline" option to be put in an "Offline Favorite Wizard." At this point, you can set up schedules and group your offline pages into those schedules. IE 5 comes with predefined Daily, Weekly and Monthly schedules.
- Sue Whitehouse
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2001
PC-TO-STEREO Discover two ways to broadcast your PC's audio through a home stereo. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/howto/story/0,23008,3338088,00.html
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2001
There was a period either Saturday or Sunday afternoon when I would click on favorites, the list would scroll down, and many of the URL favorites listings were in paler script. If I tried clicking on one of those, I got a messsage to the effect that the site was not available online, did I want to work offline. I don't know if my computer was overheated, or if something bizarre was going on on the net. I had never seen this before. Any ideas?
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2001
*TASKBAR COLOR Barry from Van Buren, Arkansas wants to change the color of his Windows taskbar.It's easy to adjust the appearance of your desktop, but a lot harder to change taskbar color. To change the desktop:
1. Right-click an empty space on your desktop 2. Choose Properties and Appearance to choose a new scheme
You can also change just the 3d objects in the item drop-down, but this will affect the color of some of the other dialog boxes, so pick your best compromise.
If you want to change your taskbar appearance, download and install Taskbar Wallpaper. http://www.zdnet.com/downloads/stories/info/0,10615,42027,00.html
1. Right-click your taskbar 2. Choose the new Wallpaper option 3. Change its appearance
*SEND LARGE EMAIL ATTACHMENTS John from Vancouver, British Columbia wants to find an email service that will allow him to send and receive larger attachments than hotmail will allow.
Most ISPs limit the size of email attachements to less than 10MB. If you must email huge files, use WhaleMail. This paid service allows attachments up to 50MB. http://www.whalemail.com/
You could also set up your PC as a file-swapping server using BadBlue. But be careful not to violate any copyright laws with this free download. http://www.badblue.com/
(sorry, never saw the problem like that in favorites)
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2001
Brooks, that happens when the site is down. When you log on line, your browser checks all your favorites to update the cookies. If the cookies cannot be updated, then the favorite is 'de-highlighted' or something like that.
-- Anonymous, July 24, 2001
Barefoot, MOST of the sites were dehighlighted, and then a moment later the list would change.
-- Anonymous, July 24, 2001