Hot Fudge Sundae : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Crass manipulation is a tool I rarely got you to read this far... ;)

Now and again I come across a piece of writing which simply screams to be shared. Passage after passage drips of depth, beauty, light and love. My reading slows to a crawl as my heart glows and mind ponders. My being revels in the experience.

I'm in the home stretch (last chapter) of Path Without Destination, the autobiography of Satish Kumar.


Satish Kumar. A remarkable man who's life to this point has encompassed far too much for me to provide any more than a slight hint at his accomplishments. Kumar is a Pilgrim. That is, he takes pilgrimages around the world. Pilgrimages to Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian sites alike.

He travels without money. He walks some twenty miles per day on average through flatlands and valleys; up, over and around mountains. Through bitter cold and sweltering heat.

Satish Kumar walks for many reasons. One of them is peace. Inner peace. Peace of mind. World peace.

That said, I wish to share a couple of paragraphs from the above mentioned autobiography. In his final chapter Kumar expounds on those influences which have helped to shape him. First and foremost on his list is one Mohandas K. (Mahatma) Gandhi. Specifically, it is Kumar's take on Gandhi's principle of Truth which I offer for your consideration.

*** [Excerpts from pages 288-89, hardcover edition]

2. Truth (Satya)

Satya, or truth, means seeing reality as it is. Although we can never be sure of the nature of ultimate reality, it is right and proper to seek it. There is no one truth which can be described, explained, and defined in language. Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mahavir, Mohammed, and Socrates have all been seekers of truth. Poets, saints, and mystics like Kabir, Tulsidas, Rumi, Hildegard of Bingen, Mother Julian of Norwich, and St. Francis experienced the divine and the sacred in all things. For them that was the truth. But we cannot live on the wealth of our ancestors. We must seek our own treasure and take up the quest to find our own truth.


(Continued Below)

-- Rich (, July 21, 2001


*** [Excerpt Continued]

Truth is multifaceted and pluralistic. Seeing existence in all its mysterious diversity yet realizing its wholeness prevents me from imposing a monolithic belief system onto it. The quest for truth is a liberating journey; it liberates me from dogmas, both religious and political. There is no final point at which I could say that I have found the truth, this is the truth, and this is the truth for everyone. The moment truth is imprisoned in a belief system, the truth is lost. As long as the experience and the techniques of other seekers are used as pointers, as signposts, then those disciplines and methods can be of some help. But the signpost is not the real thing. Truth cannot be preached; it can be communicated, if at all, only in dialogue and conversation and, more important, through living example. Truth is not a comodity which can be dished out from temples and churches. Truth is not something which can be conceptualized or extracted from holy books. It has to be lived and experienced.



-- Rich (, July 21, 2001.

"Truth cannot be preached; it can be communicated, if at all, only in dialogue and conversation and, more important, through living example."

You lied to get me in here. There's no icecream!

-- helen (hot@fudge.sundae), July 21, 2001.

Shut up, fag.

-- Shut (up,@fag.period), July 22, 2001.

TRUTH,is a person.the MESSIAH=THE CHRIST. ''AND THE WORD ,BECAME FLESH'' many river's-but only 1 ocean. many teacher's=but only 1 RISEN LORD. search the world over,but no messiah is THE MESSIAH. no mere mortal ever ,made the claim's JESUS OF NAZARETH made. he said''he must go to jerusalem & be crucified'' HE said the temple would be destroyed,it was 70 year,s after his WAS.HE gave many more prohecies,concerning the end of the ages.all bit's of truth.will be swallowed up'by the TRUTH HIMSELF. THE 1 TRUE GOD,WALKED AMONGST MEN=FULL OF TRUTH & GRACE!!!! like the great apostle Paul said,''ALL thing's will be summed up IN CHRIST.''

-- al-d. (, July 22, 2001.

Truth cannot be preached; it can be communicated, if at all, only in dialogue and conversation and, more important, through living example.


Thank you for sharing this. It was the last thing I read before going to bed and I woke up this morning thinking about it. I hope you don't mind my posting the following - I think it adds some clarity to the subject of truth.


The first step taken by the true intellectual toward personal enlightenment, is to understand that there exists something worthwhile to learn. For them the learning process begins in the study of the opinions of others, an activity they ultimately reject for the sake of first hand perception. Direct perception lends itself first to the study of facts, as they are self-perceived. The opinions of others, no matter how historically noteworthy they may be considered, then pales in comparison to the depth of personal experience. Through the faculties of direct experience we possess, the ability to gain knowledge directly from observation begins to overshadow the academic process. Then as we learn from our own experiences about what is important in life, the lesson of relevance is learned. Relevant fact is determined as, "that which relates to reality and the real needs of existence". It is a study which readily replaces a fascination with trivia. The study of relevant fact through direct perception, then leads one to embrace the subject of subjects, the epitome of the relevant and therefore useful; Truth Itself. As Truth Itself is ascertained it becomes inspiration, as the most expedient fuel for the fire of spiritual advancement. When spiritual advancement occurs, it does so at the behest of a 3 step, universal process.

The first of these is REALIZATION, wherein Truth Itself is perceived unmistakably as fact(s) most profound.

The second stage occurs when the realized Truth is noted for its invariable relation to the self within the grand scope and design of universal purposes. This stage is known as INSPIRATION, which lends itself the most noble of causes, to a life dedicated to spiritual ideals.

The third stage of spiritual advancement is the EMBODIEMENT of that which is first directly perceived, or REALIZED.

It is the intentional act of the self realized explorer of TRUTH, to seek out facts of the highest relevance. By the time the EMBODIMENT of Truth becomes the daily practice of the seeker, it is exactly then that the intellectual is graduated to the higher phase of being that is the mystic, or spiritual practitioner. A fixation upon the products and process of mind, no matter how subtle or finely tuned these may be, becomes a constant receptivity to TRUTH ITSELF, as a superior source of understanding. The intellect is like the sharpest blade, best used to cut away that which is not desired. Intellects' utility for discernment does not adequately extend itself however to the process of building a higher self, just as the sword does not make an effective shovel, hammer or brick layer. There comes a time when the keenest mind must spend more focus in the attentiveness of absorption, than to the products of thought and the modes of intellectualism. The keen mind which fails to recognize this, is doomed to a self-indulgent arrogance over the products of a trained focus. Training and method are only tools which facilitate specific modes of action, and as such, are by definition limited. Formal education which cannot reach beyond itself thereby, becomes self- deception and delusion.

It is to Truth itself we must constantly aspire, because it alone is the repository for all potential action. Only from this unlimited reservoir can we draw sustenance without fear of shortage or imbalance. The mind we must develop, yet part of that development rests in the realization that intellect alone does not suffice. To apprehend Truth, direct perception must also be added, which is a faculty also known as intuition. The root of the word "intuition" is "tuition" or in other words a state of learning, with the prefix "in" referring to that which is inward or within. Intuition therefore means to learn from within, or to put this more exactly, it refers to the ability of the consciousness we possess, to gain knowledge directly from the Universe rather than from books.

For intuition to function fully it must first be unobstructed by thought, or the products of intellect. The mind must get out of the way of the higher faculties of the self. These higher attributes are those possessed by that which transcends thought, mind and ideas, with which we were born. In the East this is referred to as CONSCIOUSNESS, in the West as SOUL. The student of Truth, taking a comprehensive view of both of these, must conclude that they are synonymous terms. Soul is consciousness and consciousness is soul. Regardless of the name applied, Soul is this essential foundation that is the truth of the self. Meditation reveals that this is so, for when thought ceases so too does any identification of self that is defined by thought. The true intellectual then realizes that they are neither thought nor any other product of mind, but instead the maker of thought, feelings, images and societies. This "maker" is soul, or the eternal watcher behind a screen of self-made thoughts.

When the truth of consciousness as self is realized, the spiritual practitioner rises up from the ashes of intellectualism. Self as soul/consciousness becomes a conscious, intentional focus for the practitioner. Identification of self as soul also gives way to the understanding that all other people are souls, one which ultimately necessitates a personal stance for the universal good of all humanity. We come to regard each other in this way as brothers and sisters of like kind, and of the same essential need. That need is one of self-realization. Self as soul is implicitly infinite, especially as contrasted to self as thought/intellect. The properties of the soul are vast just as nature is vast, and equally deserving of detailed exploration and adventure. The universal recognition of this fact among the peoples of the Earth would cause the construction of a new era. Such a realization inspires the practitioner to embody the practice of spiritual ministry. This is in essence, nothing other than the dissemination of Truth to the world, so as to improve its condition.

The realization of all people as souls, (not unlike the self) lends itself also to the recognition that nature is similarly founded upon consciousness. The essences or composition of the soul/consciousness is of three parts; namely; INTENT, AWARENESS and ENERGY, in that order of causality. These three elements of consciousness are also found in the manifestations of nature. They are found in all life, making all living forms the kindred blood of a Creative Universe. All life possesses Intent, Awareness and Energy, just as do all souls. Meditation allows direct perception of this fact, once it is realized by the practitioner that these components are integral to their own being.

That which is called God is also composed of Intent, Awareness and Energy. Thus, as souls we are not merely the product of God, or the extensions of God. We are in fact the members of God, as component elements within a greater whole. Just as neurons compose a brain, we as individual souls make up a greater intelligence, a collective consciousness whose acts are far greater than the mere sum of its parts. We are therefore not merely embedded in the greater presence of God, nor outgrowths of an externally guiding force only. Instead we are the functioning elements of a collective that stretches into the infinities of space and time. We are all of similar substance, belonging to a body without end and which can never end. The meditator may also ascertain the above facts for themselves, just as surely as they can isolate the true meaning of self between the manifestations of one thought to the next.

It must be concluded that since the true self is consciousness, and that a true understanding of nature includes viewing it as a collective consciousness, (God) that no other daily life focus is truly worthy of our attention. To understand Truth fully we must live it out, since anything else is mere speculation, and speculation the comparatively primitive product of mind. The living of such a life is the only concrete demonstration of true intelligence. Truth is not altered by speculation, for if it were our own musings would have annihilated us long ago. It alone stands untarnished in this primitive age of humanity. To Truth alone we must apply in order to shed the light of self that is both SOUL and GOD.

-- Debra (, July 22, 2001.

Truth. The truth is that the it is your mind that is bending - not the spoon. Watch the Matrix and learn about truth.

-- Neo (, July 22, 2001.

Helen, if ever we meet - a forum gathering perhaps - I will spring for ice cream, although knowing this bunch most would not partake without a heavy dousing of Chambord over top. (I'll allow you this once to get away with stating I lied when in reality I merely preyed on your one itty-bitty wittle weakness, and made nary a suggestion there might be cyber-food at the other end of the link. If Peg were here she'd offer up an ice cold creamy jpeg, cherry and whipped cream in abundance.)

Debra, that's an incredible piece you've shared. I need to read it again. And again. And again, before I comment specifically. Thank you. Wish Eve were here to read and comment. FYI: I'm in-state and your email addy is in my computer, which is at present boxed and stored away. Drop me a note if you're of a mind. I'd like to know the source of the above piece. Is it original?

-- Rich (, July 22, 2001.

Rich, I'll buy us seconds. :)

-- helen (ok@then.proceed), July 22, 2001.

I'm here, Rich; thanks for thinking of me. I just now saw this thread and had time only to blast through it. Looks like riveting stuff. Yours too, Debra. (and Hi Helen). I really want to read it thoroughly, though; forgive me if I can't get back to you within some reasonable time. One additional problem I have now is that I've recently been assigned someone else's workload, on top of my own; been takin' more work home.

Oh, if only by magic I could work more hours in the day. And geez -- here I am talking about increasing the day and I've barely even mastered the "Slowly Disappearing Throat Lozenge" trick. Well, at least the "Disappearing Box of Twinkies" has been off my list...

-- Eve (, July 23, 2001.

Here's the link Rich ... enjoy -


I'm looking forward to your comments.

Hi Eve, good to 'see' you.

-- Debra (, July 23, 2001.


Many thanks for the link to that incredible site. I've sat here reading and nodding and smiling and thinking "where the hell were you (this site) last summer?" I REALLY coulda used this stuff then!

But timing is everything and this gift has been presented to me now. Thank you. I'm going to print off the five part piece for further reading and consideration.

What is your experience with any/all of the topics/theories/techniques laid out in The Perpetual Raising? So much of what is presented there is familiar to me. Amazing.

For example, from Part 2 of the above piece: "By employing such techniques as the Chakra Meditation, we are made aware of the fact that the body is a collection of cellular group minds. Each of these possesses Intent, Awareness and Energy. Every cell group in the body therefore has a state of consciousness which it holds."

I knew it to be true but hadn't found written confirmation anywhere and therefore struggled mightily with admitting its truth, with fixing the problems I've created within, and also with incorporating an effective practice through which these issues would be addressed, corrected and balanced.

-- Rich (, July 24, 2001.

Hi Rich,

Sorry I haven't been able to get back to you on this subject. I'm glad you are enjoying the site. I did too.

I'm off to work now but as soon as I get the time I'll post.

What I can say right now is that the Perpetual Raising certainly is perpetual isn't it? LOL

-- Debra (, August 07, 2001.

Mornin' Rich and Deb,

There's so much here to read and comment on that I guess I'll just have to throw something out...

How can you possibly have a "group mind" or a collective consciousness, any more than we can have a "group" arm? There are only individual minds. A product that's more than the sum of the individual minds' contributions is a great thing to have happen, but it's only a product of the individual minds.

And by the exchange of ideas we learn from each other and improve our minds, but we're each independently improving our individual minds. How can it be otherwise?

-- Eve (, August 07, 2001.

"There are only individual minds."

Only as individual as the pieces of a pie and their relationship to the whole pie. Only as individual as the leaves of a tree and their integral part of the whole tree, the collective mind.

-- Maria (, August 07, 2001.

Maria -- I need some 'splainin' :) Whenever I hear the term "collective mind" my mind goes numb, with only an implicit "say what?" goin' on in there. The mind-pie-tree connection doesn't click, either.

Are we sure some of us haven't just picked up this concept without probing it for a real meaning?

-- Eve (, August 07, 2001.


I've been waitin' and waitin' for you to come back to this thread! Talk to me, woman. I shall wait some more, with renewed patience, for your next post. (no pressure at all) :)

Maria, you've offered simple analogies where I would've tried to forged a complex responses - and muddied the waters to no end. Well done. [Note to Rich: keep it simple, stupid. ]

So as to prove I don't listen to sage advice (especially that given by me to me)...

Eve, IME, one has to kick the intellect into the back row in order to enter into the experience. Or is it that mine normally sits in the cheap seats? :) Not extinguish it mind you. Suspend disbelief, if you will. This helps you this instant not an iota, I know, but it is a suggestion to be filed for when the time comes, when the doors of perception open onto that strange and wondrous 'place'.

Humans have the potential to operate on levels far beyond those which we are generally taught. We as a species barely scratch the surface of our capabilities, IMO. I wrote a few things privately some time ago which addressed this concept. I know you're busy and probably have no time to rifle through old email.

Bottom line - and why I suggested the intellect be tamed for this - the five overt senses hold no sway in this realm. Scary at first, but then awe and wonder, gratitude and love kick fear right out the door. Experience is the best teacher. Never more so than in this area of exploration. I won't write of last summer's prayer group here, except to say there was a lot of "Group Mind" happening there, Eve.

Yeah, I can make mud with the best of them.

-- Rich (, August 07, 2001.

I can understand that Eve for I hear those words all the time, so here goes. We're all interconnected, subconsciously and physically. We all come from one source, again in our thoughts and in our cells. We, the individual, just take different shapes and forms of this source. For example, physically the individual grew from other forms, be it plant or animal. The atoms came together to make various cells to produce a human being. So in effect there IS a 'group arm'. Our physical 'arm' comes from the universe where various pressures and temperatures, the forces of nature, shape our physical being.

Your soul acts in the same manner as the atom and its evolution. I guess you could think of it as an energy or life force. This life force, the subconscious mind or 'thought plane', has a source just as our physical being has the universe as its source; that's the leap of faith you'll have to make here. Some call that source, the universal one, the collective mind, God, whatever you like. If you can believe this premise, the rest falls into place. If you can't believe this, then there is no collective consciousness, only individuals.

If this is your understanding then I have some questions for you. Where do those individual minds come from? Can they be created and destroyed? Who creates them and how can they be destroyed? What makes them so individual when our physical world is so interconnected? Are they a part of our physical being? I know there is a science that has discovered the source of thought (a reaction in the brain). Then what triggers that reaction?

"And by the exchange of ideas we learn from each other and improve our minds, but we're each independently improving our individual minds. How can it be otherwise?"

We spiritually grow as individuals and we interact with others to improve ourselves (or not; we want to improve but sometimes other influences get in the way and we may actually digress). What we do has chain reactions affecting those around us, good and bad. What we say and do impacts our relationships. We can improve those relationships or damage them. When we damage them, we destroy a piece of ourselves in some way, the damage returns to the individual, hence the 'collectiveness'. This interconnectedness of our life force, I believe, compels us to strive to improve. So even though we appear 'independent', we're so closely connected that this 'independence' is only an illusion created by the constraints of our physical plane. I feel a 'religious' thread coming on. :)

-- Maria (, August 07, 2001.

Rich we must have posted at the same time. Well said, not muddied at all.

-- Maria (, August 07, 2001.

Maria, we did. I struggled mightily over what to write 'cause I knew NOTHING I could pen would make a lick of sense. I mean, ya hadda be there, right? Whatcha gonna do? Sometimes I gotta post what I got no matter the inadequacy of it or me. :)

Wish I had learned the english language when I was a kidlet. Woulda come in handy.

Best -

-- Rich (, August 07, 2001.

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