pano head for M : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Anyone using panoramic heads for qtvr or similar panoramic web applications with M cameras? If so which head do you use. Kaidan makes a head specifically for the Voigtlander Bessa-L wondering if that might be best choice for an m set-up.

-- Hank (, July 20, 2001


I am making this very same decision at the moment. I would say two things:

1) the Kaidan KiWi+ is most likely more flexible as it will mount lots of different types of camera and adjust to the nodal point of different focal lengths;

2) Andrew Nemeth, who is a professional qtvr photographer, apparently uses a monopod to make his extraordinary images, which he then stitches manually using panotools and photoshop.

So, I wonder how necessary a dedicated head is, given you would have to assemble the panorama manually anyway.

Panotools is freeware, and a monopod doesn't cost much; maybe it's worth experimenting a bit with this approach first. On the other hand, the Kaidan heads aren't very expensive, and they are beautifully made.

-- rob (, July 20, 2001.

A Google seach for Andrew Nemeth directed me to a page on my company's site!



-- Fergus Hammond (, July 20, 2001.

I have an equipment page up with photos & notes about the VR gear I use:

Basically, I shoot my VRs with a Leica Fisheye-Elmarit R 16mm full frame fisheye lens. 6x shots portrait format horizontally, and then point the camera up for the zenith shot.

Over the years I've found the 16mm lens to be quite good, but you _have_ to use it at either f8 or f11. Open it up any more and the corners start to fall apart (no vignetting, but the resolution and sharpness go to hell).

For years I've used a winderized-R6.2, but recent experiments have been with an M rangefinder with the 16mm mounted via an adapter. A good, reasonably quiet hand-shooting rig. Stitching the results together though can be a little bit tricky!

-- Andrew Nemeth (, July 20, 2001.

Thanks, Andrew, I didn't mean to take your name in vain.

Panoramas are a hot topic on the SP list and Digital Silver at the moment.

-- rob (, July 21, 2001.

My solution was a more or less triangular shaped alumin(i)um base plate which has a tripod mount thread for Linhof n:o 2 ball head just where the nodal point lies when using a 50 mm Summicron-M. Since the plate is as wide as the camera body it gives a rigid support to my M6TTL. I prefer using 50 mm lens and 60-70% coverage between the frames when creating panoramas. This way I´ve been able to have nearly lifelike perspective.


-- Esa Kivivuori (, September 14, 2001.

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