Implicit : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
This is a great test and it is fun to take.According to this test I am not like most Americans but then again I have always sympathized with the underdog.
Implicit Attitudes
-- Debra (, July 19, 2001
Sorry - the link brings you to the home page and not to the tests. I can't find the tests from that page right now but will try tonight.Until then - enjoy the site - it's interesting.
The tests are called - Race IAT and Age IAT. Maybe someone can find them?
-- Debra (, July 19, 2001.
You can find them here.
-- (, July 19, 2001.
I got a "strong association" for Male-Science thing on the Gender quiz. It's so repetitive I found myself clicking so that the X for wrong answer wouldn't show up. Best advice for a more accurate assessment is to play the program but don't let it play you.
-- Carlos (, July 19, 2001.
hmmmslight preference for old people
moderate preferance for african americans
little or no preference for bush
strong male/science association (this one pisses me off!)heehee
-- (cin@cin.cin), July 19, 2001.