The forum is winding down : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Face it, sports fans. Without Y2K and the doomzies to kick around, this forum is slowly winding down. You can only rehash events of 18 months ago for so long. Either you find a new crisis like the EZB freaks or make this a sewing circle for people who remember The Big One. This place is averaging less than 10 new posts a day and most of the stuff is just cut-and-paste from other web sites. Sure, I'll bet there's still lurkers who look for original content, but how long can Lars carry this place?

-- Tick (, July 19, 2001


Yeah, Lars, I love you man!

-- please (keep@it.going), July 19, 2001.

Of course it is. When you have people discussing cow poop politics and needledicks what else can happen? When you have people "reporting" that companies are "contaminating human food with food products designed to kill bugs" such as Helen did, what else would you expect? The bottom of the barrel is here.

-- (hickory@dickory. dock), July 19, 2001.

“The bottom of the barrel is here.”

That being said, you should fit right in, Mr. Ticky Dicky Dork.

-- All (losers@are.welcome), July 19, 2001.

If this place is winding down then I suggest we all wind it back up. Many thanks to Lars and Helen for hanging in there. I promise to help.

I don't know why so many seem so against cut and paste pieces. I think they supply a point of view that acts as a spring board for original thought. Sometimes I agree with the point of view and sometimes I don't but I always look forward to everyone's opinion about the piece.

-- Debra (, July 19, 2001.

If your article on short skirts is any indicator, stick a fork in this forum. It's done. Face it, people. There is no crisis. The doomzies have taken their toys home. Y2K is over like the macarena. The only way a place like this really works is if you have an issue and the right mix of people. There is no issue and there ain't enough people. How many things have you read here during the past few months where you would say, "Hey, you should see what this person wrote on this forum." No steak, no sizzle.

-- Tick (, July 19, 2001.

"It's done. Face it, people. There is no crisis."

Correctamundo, compadre. Who said we need a crisis in order to talk? Y2K? Who the heck ever said this place is about Y2K?

-- Little Nipper (, July 19, 2001.

*I* thought the post on short skirts was interesting. Then again, *I*'d considered posting something on LIPS. Heh. I've seen several movies lately with Angelina Jolie. That girl's got some lips. I also saw ANOTHER movie that had the woman who played Margaret Hoolihan on MASH and I thought, "What the hell did you do to your lips?" Her upper lip looked like she'd gotten punched. THEN I saw a picture of a woman who had gone to Jim's Lip Salon or something like that and was recommending that others avoid this place and get a competent plastic surgeon to perform "lip" work. I could only think that she didn't look nearly as weird as the woman who played Margaret Hoolihan looks now.

THEN I got to thinking about the American male and the infatuation with large breasts. I admit that there's the "eye candy" that attracts, but once you've gone beyond that, what can one do with a large breast that one cannot do with a medium-sized breast besides snuggle your nose inbetween them? I asked my son about this on his visit this past week and he said it was a cultural thing and that only American men are even interested in large breasts. He had no answer to my "What can one do with..." question, and it was pretty amusing to watch him blush.

My son isn't as open about such things as my second daughter, who attended a "Penis Party" last week. If you've never heard of one, join the club. It sounded to me like a Tupperware Party concept only the items for sale dealt with sex and sex "toys". She was pretty surprised to learn that her step-mom had purchased the most "toys" and intended to hold a party herself.

Crisis? We don't need a crisis.

-- Anita (, July 19, 2001.

It's true that the interesting content on this board is waning. I always enjoyed his and other "Y2k" boards not for the doom, but for interesting discussion of current events and maybe a few laughs. It is the community I miss, not the doom. The whole point/counterpoint concept fascinates me, and I haven't found another online community that offers that.

It could be that there is really nothing going on, so maybe things will pick up when there is something interesting in the news.

My suggestion: Change the name to Current Events Discussion (or something like that). The name of this board makes it hard to take seriously (no offense, Unk.)

-- Semper (hello_to_my@old.pals), July 19, 2001.

I admit that there's the "eye candy" that attracts, but once you've gone beyond that, what can one do with a large breast that one cannot do with a medium-sized breast besides snuggle your nose inbetween them?

Snuggle something else in between them.

-- (, July 19, 2001.

why does there always have to be something terrible happening for people to talk to each other? Maybe the act of conversation is worthy in it's own right.

-- Cherri (, July 19, 2001.

Absent terrible Republican corruption what would you like to talk about Cherri? In fairness, I do enjoy your photo posts.

-- Carlos (, July 19, 2001.

I agree Debra, copy n pasting is ok. If it's an interesting, amusing or provacative piece, it can serve as the start of a long thread that may wander far afield. If it is of no interest, skip it.

Let's face it, most people don't have time to start many highly creative, original posts.

-- Lars (, July 19, 2001.

Uhhhhh...theres this thing that's like called uhhhh...summer, and people go out and like do things, like but not the puter thing (as much) and less of the uhhhh... bitching and moaning thing, cause like most evreyone enjoys the sun and partyin'.

All is cool dude (or dudette), theres an ebb and flow to everything.

Party on!!! : )_

-- capnfun (, July 20, 2001.

Uhhhhh...theres this thing that's like called uhhhh...summer, and people go out and like do things, like but not the puter thing (as much) and less of the uhhhh... bitching and moaning thing, cause like most everyone enjoys the sun and partyin'.

All is cool dude (or dudette), theres an ebb and flow to everything.

Party on!!! : )_

-- capnfun (, July 20, 2001.


Told ya I was havin' a big time, or the software is, one of the two?

-- capnfun (, July 20, 2001.

This place needs focus. Y2K was a great issue because it focused the discussion. If you were around (and who knows if you were) you might remember OT. Off Topic. People came back from the wholesale grocery with a ton of canned goods and were coked to the gills on PREPS. People were arguing over the best guns for self defense. It was some wild ass shit. People would have carved Cherri into little pieces for her personal vendetta against Bush. Why? Because WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE. Or we'll be OK. Depended if you GI or DGI.

The old forum had interesting characters, subplots and intrigue. Y2K cranked up the intensity. This forum has all the intensity of a 4 watt bulb. Yeah, we can listen to Nipper listening to the sound of his own voice or Cherri trying to convince us Bush is the antichrist or Cap doing his Jimmy Buffet impression. This forum is wasted away again in NoFocusVille, looking for that lost train of thought. Some people say that there's a woman to blame, but I know, it's nobody's fault.

-- Tick (, July 20, 2001.


Sure, I remember you and your TicToc. Still alive eh. Of course, Bush is the AC and those that don't know it are DGI's. :)

"Some people say that there's a woman to blame,"

I thought that you said it was Cherri.

4 Watt

-- 4 Watt (4wattbulb@lovinit.dull), July 20, 2001.

Well Tick,

Let me put down the shot glass for a moment and ask you, what would your suggestions be to help us in our quest for focus?

-- capnfun (, July 20, 2001.

Absent a helluva crisis, I don't think there's a damn thing anyone can do. Y2K was a unique event. You had a hard deadline, a crisis and crazies to left and to the right. Ed Yourdon wrote a damn "best seller." You'd need Chinese warships cruising off the coast with weapons armed to get that kind of voltage now. I don't have a problem with your Jimmy Buffet gig. Whatever floats your little umbrella. Personally, getting drunk ain't that exciting in real life after you pass 25; and it ain't ever gonna be much over the internet.

The forum could use a serious dose of good, original writing, but that ain't going to happen because all the good, original writers are somewhere else. Lacking that, we could use a bunch of whacked out doomzies, but they are still sulking and eating canned tuna. They ain't going to come over here to get beat on. They learned the best place to share New World Order shit is in private.

-- Tick (, July 20, 2001.

Since this forum seems to winding down, I have one big question for all of you "internet junkies". How many of you are still married??? Since you all spend so much time in here????

-- Kitten (, July 20, 2001.

In the interest of keeping anything remotely related to the Y2k non- event alive, well, and (at least) visible to the general populace for as long as humanly possible (so as to never, ever forget...and [hopefully never, ever repeat such a demonstration of total lack of logic combined with both bad and pseudo-science], I whole-heartedly support this forum in it's current condition! May it stand forever.

Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (, July 20, 2001.

'Married' Whats that?

Andy dude, welcome back old friend! Drop a line,

-- So (, July 20, 2001.

Andy -- in order to keep y2k alive for you, I would be honored if you would accept one five-gallon sealed bucket containing the approximately 33 pounds of white rice. Each bucket was packed with both dry ice and oxygen absorbers. There may be bugs in there. I'm afraid to open one and find out. I watched "The Mummy" and its sequel, so I learned a good reason not to open anything that was originally preserved for all time. I wouldn't eat the rice if I were you, as I am me and I won't touch it for fear of some ergot-like fungus infestation that would turn me into a weregoat. You could enshrine it in your collection of y2k memorabilia, preferably near the bottom of the stack as it is so very heavy.

-- helen (, July 21, 2001.

Y2K is alive? Wasn't that January 1st of last year? This is 2001.

-- Little Nipper (, July 21, 2001.


First of all it ain't my JB gig and I guess havin' fun and being personable on the net does float my umbrella,as it does yours, obviously,with exception of course to being personable.

Now,the question that begs to be answered is; Why the hell are you still here? especially if anyone with half a brain and original writing style have long sinse vamoosed.

-- capnfun (, July 21, 2001.


I for one am still here because this damn internet explorer froze and won't let me exit, I can't even reboot! Piece of shit microsoft bullshit. Probably something you dopers/drunks came up with to pervert America!

-- antifun (, July 21, 2001.

I dunno I'm a Mac man myself and like Netscape.

Sounds like your beef is with Bill Gates.

-- capnfun (, July 21, 2001.

I used to use netscape as well until I made the mistake of downloading the new one. It's such a piece of shit I went against my solemn vow and started using IE.

-- Netscape (, July 21, 2001.

Why look at a car wreck? Why listen to talk radio? Why sit around destroying brain cells with booze? It ain't a rational impulse to watch this forum fall into hard times, but it's hard not to take an occasional peek. I'm not busting your ass here, Cap, but you gotta admit there ain't much to get excited about here. Debra's post on male stuff should be labeled, "Don't read this and operate heavy equipment." This board will always have a few die hard categories. You will find the libertarians who are so goddamn brilliant they can't elect someone to the office of dogcatcher. You will find the navel gazing liberals like Nipper who is just plain goddamn brilliant. You will find the mild crank like Cherri or Kofe who have one goddamn drum and beat it every goddamn day. There aren't even enough real freaks to make a good freak show.

-- Tick (, July 23, 2001.

There aren't even enough real freaks to make a good freak show.

True, but with the addition of you, we're getting there.

-- Uncle Deedah (, July 23, 2001.

You will find the libertarians who are so goddamn brilliant they can't elect someone to the office of dogcatcher.

What's the Libertarian policy line on dogcatching, anyway? "Leave all the dogs alone"?

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), July 24, 2001.

"What's the Libertarian policy line on dogcatching, anyway?"

If dogs were allowed to make a profit, there would be no stray dogs.

-- Little Nipper (, July 24, 2001.

If dog meat on the table were socially acceptable, there would be no stray dogs.

-- helen (hot@dog.s), July 24, 2001.

Well, helen, that's one way for dogs to make a profit...

-- Little Nipper (, July 24, 2001.

Nipper, I don't think the dogs will profit from it at all!

-- helen (corn@dog.s), July 24, 2001.

Actually the Libertarians have elected people to office, and not the office of dog catcher. Unfortunately, the popular sentiment among voters seems to be "What can government give me?" rather than "How can I take more responsibility for my own life?".

America is a country full of infants.

-- Uncle Deedah (, July 24, 2001.

"America is a country full of infants."

That's why you'll never be a politician, Unk. I can just see you on the stump: "Vote for me, you whining, snivelling bunch of babies."

-- Little Nipper (, July 24, 2001.

That’s one way of capturing the liberal vote!

-- Telinet (, July 24, 2001.

Thanks for the chuckle LN.

-- Uncle Deedah (, July 24, 2001.

Unk, I would vote for you

-- (cin@cin.cin), July 24, 2001.

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