average adult Mexican immigrant is a negative $55,200

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Immigration from Mexico , summary.

Full Report

-- (joepublic@unks.board), July 18, 2001


PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH on immigration numbers and forced population growth

In one year Dubya has completely flip-flopped. Assuming of course you were buying it from the get-go. That BE the rhetoric, the Political bs this "restorer of Integrity" claimed to be about.

This is NOT Leadership, it is the work of a CONMAN.

-- (joepublic@unks.board), July 18, 2001.

Definition of INSANITY= doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Difference with this issue is many of these people WANT the negative impact millions of INVADERS cause. Course they will tell you the opposite. They will pander to you for your vote.

-- (joepublic@unks.board), July 18, 2001.

America, who really pays for Illegals?

NOT included in the figures is the impact of displaced LEGAL Americans who have been forced in some cases to become CRACK DEALERS.

Why did the Rodney King riots happen? ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION not 3 minutes of LAPD arrest video. Something the Media will never tell the rest of America.

-- (joepublic@unks.board), July 18, 2001.

People who don't live in the southwest would be shocked at the dramatic increase in illegal immigrants over the past 15 years or so. The entire character of the southwest is changing, and it will continue to be reflected at the voting booth in the future as the economic underclass gets bigger and bigger and keeps on voting for collectivist liberal politicians who promise them free benefits at the expense of the rest of us wage-earners.

-- (someone@who.does), July 19, 2001.

Yep and what does this tell you about the intelligence factor of Bush, or more to the point, his supporters? He thinks this Mexican Pardon will buy him some votes, lol. Course those of us who know better understand this is all bs to quiet Republicans.

Big Game, ONLY reason they give a crap is because they were a tad too messy last November and some of the HOLES in the Election scheme they created are now being closed. They WIN no matter which "side" of the NWO aisle ends up in the WH, but some of these vermin like a guy more in step with their version of Fascism. That is what this is about, period.

The rest of the talk, "compassion and understanding for poor people" is utter Bullcockey. These are the same people who told millions of Blacks, and old blind Jews in Florida to f*ck-off. Like they care about anyone but themselves? please.

-- (joepublic@unks.board), July 19, 2001.

"... dramatic increase in illegal immigrants over the past 15 years or so. The entire character of the southwest is changing, and it will continue to be reflected at the voting booth in the future..."

Illegals can't vote. Any of their children who are born here will be US citizens. If you want these citizens to grow up self-sufficient, give them a good education. The effects of education are not magical or even universal, but statistically they are a damn good predictor.

-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), July 19, 2001.

“Illegals can't vote.”

Neither can the deceased but they seem to manage somehow.

-- Vote (now@vote.often), July 19, 2001.

Now, now, Republicans maybe a step slow, but most are not completely dead.

-- (too@funny.haha), July 19, 2001.

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