Old Git.....FYI

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Just in case you hand out email and passwords, and I am not around..... seems I am again having email troubles, but the big news is they are PULLING this POS on our roof tomorrow, so back to the unreliable phone lines, but at least things make "work" right again. We are trying to line up 2 isp's to have as back ups...even if we have to pay...it'll be less than 70.00 and hopefully WORK!

I pray they will in fact give us back all $$$ for the system, be nice to get the install fee, but we may not. will let you know how it goes.

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001


So sorry you're having all these problems with the satellite hook-up. We also have a dial-up service as back-up to our broadband service but it's only $13.95/month because we belong to an organization with a special rate for one of the big ISPs.

The password will be posted here for a day or two before it's actually changed, so don't worry about losing out!

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001

we waiting so long to get this...and to have it be such a disappointment...Dan is walking around like a kid whose favorite toy is broke. We KNOW Starband is out there, and we can not find anyone around here to help us get it! and no cable, no dsl..no adl...so, I will be around...just Sllloooooowwwwwwwwwwer and if the wind blows, I won't stay connected. :^ (

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001

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