EQs - Pakistan and Nepal

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Near Real Time Earthquake List

Updated as of Mon Jul 16 20:14:16 GMT 2001.

2001/07/16 16:12:46 5.1 NEPAL
2001/07/16 16:07:18 5.2 PAKISTAN
2001/07/16 15:55:28 3.5 CALIF-NEVADA BDR
2001/07/16 14:09:29 4.9 GREENLAND SEA
2001/07/16 07:52:10 4.4 SAN JUAN PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
2001/07/15 16:30:48 4.6 KAMCHATKA PENINSULA, RUSSIA
2001/07/15 12:13:15 4.3 NEAR ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS
2001/07/15 10:08:43 4.8 CENTRAL CHILE
2001/07/15 03:19:43 4.9 NEAR COAST OF CENTRAL CHILE
2001/07/14 22:40:28 3.0 NEW MADRID, MISSOURI
2001/07/14 21:42:20 5.2 OWEN FRACTURE ZONE REGION
2001/07/14 18:36:15 4.3 YUNNAN, CHINA
2001/07/14 17:32:49 3.9 CALIF-NEVADA BDR
2001/07/14 17:30:28 4.0 CALIF-NEVADA BDR
2001/07/14 16:40:03 4.6 SOUTH OF PANAMA
2001/07/14 14:38:24 4.8 SOUTH OF PANAMA
2001/07/14 13:38:07 4.7 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
2001/07/14 01:14:56 5.0 REYKJANES RIDGE
2001/07/13 19:48:18 5.5 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
2001/07/13 12:45:25 5.0 CHILE-BOLIVIA BORDER REGION
2001/07/12 19:41:40 4.7 NEAR COAST OF PERU

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2001


I just know yesturday and today I had that pressure I get in my ears...and right now it is not there. Thank goodness.

this is what I think I have....when I have ear pressure or headaches (bad ones) earthquake in 2-3 days of at least 4-5. I think the swelling and general mailise is the volcano precurscer. not sure, still new to figuring the symptoms.

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001

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