CofG 40' boxcars in O : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Norm Anderson is producing a custom painted Weaver Models boxcar for CofG in 3 road numbers (7219, 7230, 7245). It is a limited run of 105 cars. These cars are 3-rail version (O-guage) and will likely not satisfy O-scalers (Andersen's Train Station produces some models that are scale; Southern boxcar using an InterMountain Railway car). The CofG boxcars are currently available although I haven't received mine yet. I do not know how accurate the paint scheme is. A small photo appeared in their ad on page 120 of the July 2001 Classic Toy Trains magazine. They can be contacted by email at

-- Randy Young (, July 15, 2001


How about Industrial rail cars (0-27) have anything like that ?

-- ed dumond (, September 18, 2003.

You can view a photo of the Anderson custom run car on the Weaver web site under the custom run cars. Also, anyone wanting to convert Weaver cars to 2-rail o-scale, it's easy to just swap out the 3-rail trucks and couplers with Weaver's 2-rail version. Also on the Weaver web site, notice that One Track Mind has very nice Southern Ry PS-2 cov hoppers and 40' PS-1 Southern box cars available. Brian Johnston

-- Brian Johnston (, July 19, 2001.

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