Aids Conspiracy article : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Weird, and horrible if true. Anyone else read anything like this?

Aids conspiracy article

The article actually starts here:

This is the same Gallo guy that everyone hates, right?

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001


Those links were sent to me as a reply to this article. It is rather hard to follow.

Subject: [jovo] Interesting Testimony by a former Wainwright patient

It is interesting that the physician to the Royal Family would travel to Kenya to study Wainwright's research. Even though he was widely denounced as a con man and fraud and put in jail first in England, then the US and even after his therapy was made illegal in Kenya. What interest would a physician in such a position of esteem want with a common three time felon, on the run from Interpol and so called probation violation from the US. Now once again Wainwright in prison in Kenya, and as the two times before put there by government officals from the highest levels.

AIDS - The double-faced Syndrome.

Testimonial by Fyabupi Simeon Mbobe of Malawi.

Tears kept flowing down my cheeks on that doomsday. Hundreds of people gathered at my house, most of them doing nothing, a few mourning and a few making plans, yes, plans for the burial of my departed wife Margaret. Worse still my son was in the hospital, his mouth and entire food canal infested with open sores making it hard to eat anything. My daughter was already dead. She died a slow and painful death nearly 7 months before. I was sickly and getting worse every day. All the pocessions & income we had made from the day we got married had been distributed to doctors and drug companies in an attempt to save lives, alas, I was losing the battle left, right & center.

"My son, you have to be strong," my mother said while holding me and weeping, "sorry I can't help you, but lift up your voice to God, He is your only hope left."

The death sentence had been passed. The doctors said I had a few more months to suffer, yes, to be in pain and misery before I would die. `AIDS', they said `has no cure and it is estimated that there will be no cure in the next ten years.'

Suddenly I came under heavy attack; there was noise in my head, arguments and confusion. I tried to be calm, and then a voice said to me "How can a good God allow you to be tortured this much?" I shook my head hoping it was just my thoughts; "God doesn't love you and you are going to die any time now! The voice was clear, persuasive and convincingly hurting. I believed it for the first time. How on earth could a good God whose servant I was allow all this to happen to me? Had he lost his power and control over His own Creation?" As I continued thinking about these things I remembered Job in the Bible. Then a scripture flashed into my mind "Though he slay me yet I will trust Him." I made up my mind to die believing in God rather than doubt Him. I refused to yield to Satan. Somehow I believed that I would be delivered from this death trap, - but how?

About three weeks after Mag's departure I received a fax from a Canadian Christian couple who were friends of mine which told me they believed there was a cure for AIDS. They gave me an address and a phone number for a Mr. Basil Wainwright in Nairobi, Kenya. They also brought me an air ticket to visit this doctor who was the only one hope I had left.

When I arrived in Nairobi on November 12th, 1996, I was already symptomatic, suffering from a host of AIDS related illnesses. I related my story to the doctor Stone (for this was what he was being called) - a kind and very loving gentleman. Just by talking with him you already felt that you were on your way to good health. He is a man of such apparent scientific understanding as I had never met in my life. A man whom everyone should love to be associated with in his field and profession.

Without going into great details I had immediate blood tests done at Masaba Hospital (which once again confirmed my HIV status). The next day I started my treatments. In less than 4 weeks all the symptoms of my various ailments which had tortured me for over one and a half years disappeared - no more diarrhea, chronic lethargy and tiredness, coughs etc. I was back in good health. My blood results showed PCR undetectable!

I could hardly hold my tears of joy and thanks giving to God for his unchanging love for mankind. Once again I said to myself God has proved Himself that He alone is God and nothing is impossible for Him, especially to those who trust in His name. I was now ready to spread the good news. Alas, I had no idea what kind of resistance I was going to meet from the medical fraternity.

I wrote letters and articles about my experience as an HIV/AIDS victim and how Polyatomic Oxygen Therapy Technologies as developed by Basil Earle Wainwright had set me free from AIDS. I visited various hospitals, talked to doctors and patients and even spoke in AIDS seminars. By the middle of 1997 other former HIV/AIDS patients who had been successfully treated by Dr Stone's technologies joined me in spreading the news. To our great surprise and disappointment we came under attack from the Medical Board and the Minister of Health. Soon it became a war of words whereby Dr. Stone was being attacked at every level. They even went further in a sustained and unprecedented vicious character assassination smear campaign in the Media to malign this man and his `miracle' technologies.

"We are not interested in the personality of Dr. Stone" I kept saying during our attempts to draw attention to us, the patients who had been saved. "All we are asking is that the Ministry conducts an open, transparent scientific prove or disprove Study and thoroughly and conscientiously investigate the Claims of Polyatomic Oxygen Therapy."

It was not that simple for the Medical Board to accept this honest challenge. WHY? Well, today, four years later we know that some people in the Medical World have a vested interest in treating but not curing the sick at the expense of people's lives and untold suffering.

The Socio-economic impact

I started my family life in 1993. In just two and a half years my wife and I became comparatively prosperous in our poultry business in Malawi. We had bought a house, a car and indeed enjoyed various amenities of a middle class family in Malawian society.

What started like a simple fever in our daughter's body ended up being one of the most devastating blows in our short family history. For the next three months our one and a half year daughter's health continued to deteriorate. We spent large sums of money trying to save her life from the vice like grip of death. Meanwhile my wife started experiencing poor health which meant that the baby she was carrying was in a similar state. I became confused. Most of the time we had to leave the management of our business to our employees and relatives who not only did not have the expertise and experience which we had earned but also helped themselves to our already ailing business. By the time my wife and children had passed away I was a very sickly man who now owed various companies and individuals vast sums of money. I was destitute. I could hardly afford the prescribed drugs because the drugs and medical attention had already robbed us of our life savings.

As if this was not enough I lost most of my friends. The society I knew and had grown up in distanced themselves from me. I looked for a word of encouragement from someone, anyone I knew, but none came. Even my own Church had failed me. `The Living Waters' Church probably did me more harm than good during this time. No one (except a very few friends) seemed to really care about me. I was depressed and dejected.

"Oh God, why did you make this virus called HIV? Please forgive the Earth and save us, - revive us anew" I beseeched. This was my daily cry and prayer.

As I am writing this testimonial today it pains me to realize that all the suffering, economic and social depression I have gone through in my Life was caused by my fellow man who genetically engineered the HIV virus in laboratories in the far away United States of America. I feel those Americans involved in the production of this satanic virus owe me the lives of my beloved ones and that they are responsible for my economic losses & chaos in my life. For this I beg my God to find the Christian `forgiveness' within us desperate poor affected and infected Black people in Africa since we must forgive to balance an otherwise unreasonable anger and hatred forever fermenting and brewing deep inside our souls.

AIDS is real and millions of people are dying, the vast majority of them us poor Africans who had nothing to do with the Creation of this Blind Killer. It is for this reason that I stand behind everyone fighting against the White economic and social re-colonization of Africa which is propelled by the insatiable hunger, greed and quest for Africa's riches. Humanitarians of the likes of Basil Wainwright are indispensable to the very existence of hundreds of millions if affected and infected HIV/AIDS sufferers, irrespective of race or creed.

Having said this I hold no bitter feelings or grudges against any race or creed. I have found `my' peace with my Maker a long time ago. I would even sit down at the same table with the men who created this vile virus, shake their hands and hug them; for in showing mutual love and compassion is our eventual redemption. However these people must remember "You confess your sins to God" or absolution will be denied. How those involved in the creation of lethal retroviruses can hold any `faith and God' truly in their hearts I do not know - and probably never will.

For those interested in my blood results they are free to view them as well as research my medical case history in greater detail they can reach me through Polyatomic Apheresis Research Limited in Nairobi, Kenya. For those who are interested in Basil Wainwright and Polyatomic Oxygen Therapy they should e-mail

God Bless,

Testimonial by Fyabupi Simeon Mbobe

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Barefoot, exactly what part of this whole thing is horrible to you? There are many issues here, could you break it down to which parts you find so troubling?

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

The part about having patents on the viruses.
The involvment of the government from such an early date.
The reason the article gives for the 'program,' Richard Nixon being gullible and endorsing it.
The abuse of innocent groups of people in another country, let alone this one.

Just a few things to start...

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Barefoot, OK I think I follow you now. You are reacting to the possibility that AIDS was a specifically created and managed experiment with the US being fingered as the prime suspect. Well, we know the virus is real, no argument about that part. But where did it come from?

I remember when it was first discovered, in Africa, that suggestions were made that it was a natural virus that had been stirred up from cutting a lot of new roads through the jungles. In other words, they were saying it was already there, just waiting to be uncovered by humans fooling around in places that had been dormant for many years.

Later, it seemed that the "natural" cause gave way to stories that it was a lab created virus and that we then went over to Africa to release it to see what would happen. According to that story, we needed a place that was out of the way and that nobody was paying a lot of attention to. But it got loose and soon was moving around the world in a threatening way.

What it comes down to in the end is the question of whether folks within our own government would do such a thing? I guess that some currently available records of things they did with radioactive materials, including experiments on children, will answer that question. Yes, they would do such a thing, and have done such things numerous times in the past, and it's all verifiable.

When you sprinkle some plutonium dust on the food of children in order to see what effects the radiation will have on their bodies, what's the difference? Well, the radiation can't escape and move about on its own, so maybe that is one difference. But in the biological warfare/experiment game, it's a whole different story.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Not just Africa.

...human injection of these lethal cocktails would be deployed in sub-Saharan Africa, and 5 different groups of homosexual males within the United States.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

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