how to download vod : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Is there any way I can download vod files.I am always foribidden to view the source properties of a vod file.Caues I would like to save the file in my own computer and not watch it online.Thanks:0)
-- natalie wee (, July 14, 2001
Oh by the way HiTV/Recorder does not work for me.
-- natalie wee (, July 14, 2001.
Simple by use of the read source code on the presentation page establish where the Vod files are actualy stored and then enter that address into your browser and it will automatically download it to your computer. Vod files tend to work in conjunction with an embedded html file for formating etc but getting the raw Vod is not a problem.
-- Kazon (, April 03, 2002.