Capture card resolution limitation -SVCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I would like to make a SVCD because I am not satisfied with the quality of VCDs. However, I think that my capture card (ATI AIW Pro -4 mB) is limited to 352x240 resolution. I am using VirtualDub for capture. Is the resolution limited by the hardware, or can I get around it with software? Is my only option to make SVCDs is to buy another capture card that has higher resolution?

-- Knight Leong (, July 13, 2001


Your card isn't limited - the driver software is. If you get this, you are obviously trying AVI capture. AVI capture under MMC 7.0 or lower is limited to 320x240, but Virtual Dub can do 352x240. You have 2 options - 1) You can record directly in MPEG-2 at SVCD resolutions (480x480 NTSC). Just be aware that you will not be able to record at DVD resolutions (720x480) without dropping frames unless you switch to I Frames Only. This is due to a limitation in the ATI cards themselves. 2) Update MMC to version 7.1. It allows 720x480 AVI capture. If you record TV, you will have no problem. If you try to record an external video source such as a laserdisc player, the component audio in fails due to a bug in MMC 7.1 that apparently has never been solved. I have refused to upgrade to 7.1 because of this. has a workaround for this problem if you want to do the upgrade to MMC 7.1. Please be aware that MMC 7.1 will also require you to upgrade your video drivers. You can go to for the software you need to upgrade.

-- Jason (, July 13, 2001.

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