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Open Microsoft Internet Explorer MaximizedMany people ask how to get Microsoft Internet Explorer to always open maximized. The problem with this is that there just doesn't appear to be any absolutely foolproof way to do this. One method that works reasonably well is to run IE, then hold down Ctrl + Shift + Alt while you use the mouse to size the window as you want it.
Now, still holding down Ctrl + Shift + Alt, click the Close box (the X in the upper right corner of the window) to close it. IE will now open maximized -- usually. If you open IE from something that calls for a Normal (rather than Maximized) window, IE will take on the new size. This usually happens when you click Start|Windows Update.
- Sue Whitehouse
(She lost me when she is clicking 3 keys at once!!!! heheheheh)
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001