Construction Records Southwestern : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I am searching for a source of records of the construction of the Southwestern line from Macon, GA to Ft. Valley, GA. A history of Macon reports that the survey for that line was done in 1847, construction began in 1848, and the line was completed to Ft. Valley by 1851. Does anyone know if there are any records of that construction (contractor, supplier, worker names, etc.) that still exist anywhere? The Superior Court Clerk's Office in Houston CO has a complete record of r-o-w deeds, but I can find nothing on the construction itself. (Oddly, many of the r-o-w deeds are dated well after the date when the line was completed to Ft. Valley.) I would very much appreciate any any leads anyone can give me on this subject.
-- Dennis Bryant (, July 12, 2001
Dennis,I think that it is highly unlikely that detailed records of the construction of the South Western Railroad still exist. However, here are some suggestions to help in your research.
I believe that the SW was headquartered in Macon. The main public library there (I think it's called the Washington Library) may possibly have some records. You might also see if they have any SW annual reports. There may be some information in those also.
The Georgia Historical Society in Savannah has a large number of CofGa engineering and construction files. There may be some data on the South Western in those files, but there is no index listing specifically for the South Western.
You might also do a search of early newspapers from the Macon to Fort Valley area. There may have been some "publicity" in the press regarding the construction of the "new railroad."
Good luck!!
-- Allen Tuten (, July 18, 2001.