Woman in Jeans Causes Uproar in Parliament

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Thursday July 12 6:18 AM ET

Woman in Jeans Causes Uproar in Parliament

RABAT (Reuters) - The sight of a woman in denim jeans and a T-shirt interrupted a Moroccan parliamentary session on Wednesday when angry Islamist MPs branded her attire an invitation to debauchery, a parliament spokesman said.

Amina Khabab, 32, a camera operator for state-run 2M television, was filming the debate when Abdelillah Benkirane, a leading figure of the Muslim fundamentalist group Justice and Development Party, rose up and demanded her expulsion from the chamber.

``We cannot tolerate that a woman walks in these premises dressed like this, this is intolerable,'' Benkirane shouted.

The PJD has 14 seats in the 325-seat parliament, dominated by center-left parties.

The session was suspended for almost an hour until the parliamentary speaker ended the dispute between by saying: ``In this chamber, the press is free.''

Led by the PJD, about half a million young bearded men and veiled women marched last year in the economic capital Casablanca to denounce a government plan to reform the Moudawana (family code) and thus give more rights to women in the male-dominated society.

-- As if (she@wasn't.clothed), July 12, 2001


Though I don't know details amidst what surroundings this took place...

Just as we expect foreigners to honor our laws here, so should theirs be honored there.

-- (cin@cin.cin), July 12, 2001.

Maybe she had a really obvious camel toe?

-- number six (!@!.com), July 17, 2001.

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