Jenny Craig doesn't work! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

But I still can't blame Bubba for going for it.

-- (nice big hooters @ good. blowjob face), July 12, 2001


The purse is cleverly positioned to cover a sticky white substance on her skirt.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), July 12, 2001.

Is this Cherri? Put on about 100 LBS and it could be..

-- I WOnder (, July 12, 2001.

Nawww, that's not even close to what Cherri looks like. Cherri is totally sexless. She hasn't been laid in ten years from what I hear. Nobody'd touch her. Could have something to do with that 6 inches of fat pads bulging from her elbows and at least that much hanging from her knees. Her legs are so fat a tape measure can't get round one.

-- (mmh@mmh.comm), July 12, 2001.

Paracelsus, are you filling in for nemesis today? 8^)

-- David L (, July 12, 2001.

I remember an interview she did with Baba Wawa (I think) where she said that she may have a difficult time finding someone to marry. After all, what potential mother-in-law would want Monica for her son? For the guys on the forum, what do you think? Would you bring someone like Monica home to meet the family?

-- Maria (, July 13, 2001.

I feel she doesn't look too bad there, but I'm a sucker for large breasts. Would I bring home someone like Monica? Well she's female & she's got a pulse, so that's a start. Would I want a wife who was very famous for blowing Clinton? I guess not, but beggars Kenobe choosers.

-- number six (!@!.com), July 17, 2001.

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