Seattle cops in shootout with ... Seattle cops : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Wednesday July 11, 01:48 AM

Seattle cops in shootout with ... Seattle cops

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Two Seattle police units have fought a raging gun battle -- with each other -- in a case of mistaken identity that miraculously produced no injuries, a spokesman has said.

After losing sight of a stolen patrol car they were chasing, two officers mistook another squad car driven by a lone officer for the stolen vehicle and tried to ram it, the spokesman said.

Mistakenly believing he was under attack by the car thief, the third officer fired on the other car, leading to a rapid exchange of gunfire that left both cars riddled with bullet holes.

The stolen car later turned up at a station house where police arrested the driver, 18-year-old Zachary Davis -- the son of a Seattle police officer killed in 1995 when his vehicle was struck by a car driven by a suspect being pursued by Washington state police.

Davis knows many Seattle officers, some of whom had taken him on "ride-alongs" in their patrol cars, and had access to police facilities, the spokesman said.

-- (cop@vs.cop), July 12, 2001


some people just shouldn't have guns

-- (cin@cin.cin), July 12, 2001.

Good thing they were all bad shots!


-- Deano (, July 13, 2001.

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