Are you trying/doing anything new as an adult that you wanted to but didn't get to as a child? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Ever want to do something, take a class, whatever as a kid but didn't get to? Are you doing it now?

I always wanted to take art classes as a kid. My mother was always telling me I had a natural talent for drawing (though I suppose that's just what Moms do) and I loved to do it and wished I could learn more. What I really wanted to do was paint. I never got to take classes though, all through jr high and high school I used my elective courses to take extra literature and foreign language classes because I'm a big ole boring geek.

So now I'm doing it. Yesterday was the second week of the Basic Drawing for Beginners class I'm taking at the local art museum. I think whatever ever talent I might have had has long fled me but it's fun though also amazingly frustrating and stressful. The other people in the class are really good and everything I draw looks like it should be on South Park but I think I'm having the most fun. In the fall I plan to take a Watercolor Painting class (they recommend basic drawing skills before taking that class). At the very least it gets me out of the house, I'm meeting new people, I get to buy stuff at art stores (fun!), and making up titles for my unrecognizable works is truly fun. (Yesterday's favorite: Chair or Ghost Cow, You Make The Call.)

So what are you doing to satisfy the frustrated child in you?

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2001


sadly, the only thing I could really think of was eating as many double stuff oreos as I want. Isn't that pathetic? Either I had a happy childhood or I am totally blocked.

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2001

Earlier this year I was planning on getting a motorcyle. I might still do it but I want to try to be as financially responsible as possible and save up to buy a decent used one, rather than buy a new/used one on credit.

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2001

Dude, eating all the cookies you want is a biggie. I wish my thighs would allow it.

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2001

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