SPAMCOP - I've had enough : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Yesterday, I got 8 pieces of spam in one batch and 5 of them were porno. (I do not mean adult, I mean porno.) I'm tired of it, so I went to the site and signed up. All they wanted was my e-mail address. All I do is go to the site, cut and paste the expanded e-mail into the box provided and hit "process." Spamcop comes back with a list of the addresses belonging to all the IP numbers in the spam. Then I hit "send." That's it. Painless.


-- Anonymous, July 09, 2001


I'll check it out. Thanks!

I've been logging into my email on the net and deleting spam before it is downloaded. For most companies, this looks as if the email was eaten.

This technique, which I think was originally posted by Sysman, is working for me, but I'm always anxious to learn other tricks.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2001

Perhaps if the ISPs get enough complaints from people, they'll be a bit more diligent and vigilant about the spammers who use their services.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2001

Where you hanging out Git? I'm all over the place and never get any free porno... sniff :(

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001

Spammers are getting ever more brazen and shameless. For example, the words "in response to your inquiry" in the subject heading, and you never would send any sort of inquiry to those people.

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001

Well, I think it started when someone on a genealogy--yes, genealogy list got pissed off at me and put address on a porno mailing list. That was several years ago but I'm still getting this disgusting spam. I just reported two more spams to spamcop, both of them of the type Peter describes. THIS IS WAR!

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001

Hey, it's often family who can be depended on to be the first in line to stab you in the back!

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001

Well, they're closer to you and your back is in easy reach...

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001

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