What do you know about Paul Milne?

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Just spotted this on the TB2000 board. Does anyone have links to these allegations about Paul Milne?


Member # 406
posted 07-08-2001 04:39 AM
The Milne Bot is back, hiding behind his wife's skirt. This is the same MAN who laughed with glee as he contemplated the spectre of people "drinking dog piss out of a rusty hubcap." The same one driven to heights of nearly orgasmic pleasure at the thought of others "shoveling lime over the bodies of their dead children." The same one who boasted of his happiness at the death of Harlan Smith, Flint's friend. The same one who took pride in saying that, if his own mother was dying of starvation, he would give her one meal and send her on her way to die. If Paul Milne is anyone's definition of a MAN, it would be an honor to be thought of as an ignorami by that person.
Registered: May 2001 | IP: Logged

-- (Gotta@question.here), July 08, 2001


Paul Milne and Cpr are two of the Net's loudmouths. The fact that they were on opposite sides of the Y2k debate glosses over just how similar their writing styles are. Both had a tendency to personally insult anyone who disagreed with them.

-- Often (skipped@Milne's.messages), July 08, 2001.

Paul Milne and Cpr are two of the Net's..........

Most inconsequential, uninfluential, nobody's The Net ever saw.Period.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), July 08, 2001.

Two things….

(1). A pig farmer

(2). Has a great connection.

-- So (cr@t.es), July 08, 2001.

An interview with Paul Milne


-- (interview@with.Milne), July 08, 2001.

oh boy

watch me run

-- (cin@cin.cin), July 08, 2001.


me too

-- (rin@tin.tin), July 08, 2001.

What I really want to know is, did he say the things attributed to him in the post I copied? Especially that thing about laughing about people dying, or about letting his mother starve. If he did, it wouldn't matter if I agreed or disagreed with *any* of his political or economic views. 'Cuz if he said these things, the guy is just pure pond scum, and doesn't even deserve acknowledgement. Does anyone have links to this stuff, or know for sure that he said them??

-- (Gotta@question.here), July 08, 2001.

Asshole milne post (asshole is the first response)

Cold hard look at stinkbomb types SUPPORTING of milne (Inc. many that deny that there were and deathlovers on stinkbomb at all!)

Found both these in the gen. awareness section of Stinkbombb 2000.

Those fuckers really REALLY sucked!

-- (paul@milne.is.a.rat.bastard!), July 08, 2001.

There are lots of people in this world who say and do such things. What are you gonna do about it, put on your Batman cape and squash them all?

-- (that's life @ get. over it), July 08, 2001.

" 'Cuz if he said these things, the guy is just pure pond scum, and doesn't even deserve acknowledgement. "

Um...aren't you (we) (they) acknowledging him NOW?

-- helen (no@pigs.here), July 08, 2001.

Thanks. The link sums it up pretty well. It looks like the truth has always been there for anyone to see...if they cared enough not to turn a blind eye. It's interesting that his behavior hasn't changed between then and now. Yet, he was invited to the new forum like he was some kind of hero. Then everyone acted shocked that he was an asshole. I copied the post below from the link you gave. It was somebody's sarcastic reply to Paul talking about how his family deserved to starve for not listening to him. This reply could easily have been written by a number of the same people on the new TB2000 today who are telling him to go to hell, but admired his decision back then to let his family starve. I guess a lot of people have grown and learned. But, Paul Milne is still the same. I agree with you...a rat bastard.

Paul Milne RIGHT ON BUDDY - I COULDN'T HAVE PUT IT BETTER MYSELF. Just who do these people think they are? I mean, your mother, and siblings? LET THEM DIE, UNTHINKING IDIOTS. They disagree with you, refuse to listen to you, chose their path - they deserve DEATH and nothing less. DON'T GIVE THEM A THING, PAUL, WHEN THINGS GET TOUGH. Not a drop of water, a scrap of food. NOTHING. Watch them suffer (especially your mother, what did she ever do for you?) maybe die slowly in front of you. ENJOY. Remember, YOU are right, and THEY are wrong. It will be YOUR justification, Paul. Oh Paul, I admire you so much. Your strength & conviction; your lack of compasssion gives me goose bumps of envy. Will you be our new leader, Paul,? Lead us onwards to a new world, a world where we can bury our stupid, DWTGI mothers and brothers and sisters in the same pit. ZEIG HEIL, OH GREAT LEADER!!!!!!!!

-- Asking (Asking@a question.com), November 07, 1999.

-- (Gotta@question.here), July 08, 2001.

As long as you aren't dependent on him, what difference does it make?

-- helen (too@lazy.to.care), July 08, 2001.

Helen, It is one thing to talk about someone like Timothy McVeigh, and quite another to welcome him into a social engagement. From what I'm learning about Paul Milne, I see him as of the same ilk.

-- (Gotta@question.here), July 08, 2001.

What about you? What makes you such a perfect citizen?

You sound like on of those holier-than-thou conservatives who makes himself feel superior by finger pointing at the pond scum. When you really think about it, that makes you even lower than him.

-- (get a backbone @ you. weak fuck), July 08, 2001.

I don't remember if I've ever had an exchange with either of the Milnes. (Ain't it cool?) But if I were to engage with them socially in person, they may interact in ways other than the way Paul posted. It's never a good thing to shut a door without knowing for sure. You can always walk away if things aren't going well.

-- helen (mother@is.that.you), July 08, 2001.

get a backbone @ you. weak fuck farted: "What about you? What makes you such a perfect citizen? You sound like on of those holier- than-thou conservatives who makes himself feel superior by finger pointing at the pond scum. When you really think about it, that makes you even lower than him."

Hey you weak fuck. You sound like one of those lockstep Milne boot lickers. Do you get a little wood like your hero just thinkin' 'bout all those dead babies covered with lime while their mommmas starve and their daddies drink dog piss? You sick Milne muppet shitstain.

-- (million man marching @ milne .moron), July 09, 2001.

Big fuckin deal dipshit. Milne can say whatever the fuck he wants to say and do whatever he wants to do. What are you gonna do about it, Mr. Caped Crusader? What is the point of this thread you pissant, just trying to make yourself look like some kind of Mickey clean-shoes fucking Mouse?

-- (get @ life. loser), July 09, 2001.

Dog Piss From a Rusty Hubcap quote

Shovelling Lime on Childrens Graves quote

-- (past@milne.quotes), July 09, 2001.

Oooooo. I hadn't seen that thread about his mom and sibs before. Juicy. PM is the perfect leader for the doom brood. No wonder they invited him!

-- (andre@work.com), July 09, 2001.

Andre, if you didn't see it when it was relevant, you're just crowding your mind uselessly. Paul should have been a writer -- the rusty hubcap thing was pretty powerful imagery. I've seen movies made of real people in post-WWII Europe scraping garbage cans with a spoon and eating it and fighting over the can itself. It did happen, and I suppose it can happen, but it didn't happen in 2000 and there isn't much of a reason to keep resurrecting Paul's words.

-- helen (and@your.little.dog.too), July 09, 2001.

"there isn't much of a reason to keep resurrecting Paul's words. "

100% WRONG


Nuff said.

-- We *ALL* need 2 (hold@freaks.accountable), July 12, 2001.

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