VirtualDub Unintentional Stop During : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have an ATI AIW Pro 4 mB on a Athlon 950 MHz w/ 256K RAM and 20 GB HD. I am using VirtualDub to capture video. The problem I am having is that when I select the Microsoft WDM Video Capture driver, the capturing stops unintentionally after about a minute or less. This is without setting any stop conditions. It does this even if I set the stop conditions to longer times and larger files. If I select the ATI Multimedia driver, it does not stop unintentionally. I would like to use the Microsoft WDM driver so that I can use the PicVideo MJPEG codec. What is causing this unintentional stop? It is hardly dropping frames, and is not using a high percentage of the cpu.
-- Knight Leong (, July 07, 2001