Darrel Scott - Ape Boy, any word yet? Did ya know that Mr. Scott is still advertising as a 501C3 Organization Still?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
One would think that the even the IRS could close down a non-compliant or fraudulant 501C3 organization in four months. Doncha think?Darrel Scott - Ape Boy, any word yet? Did ya know that Mr. Scott is still advertising as a 501C3 Organization Still?
-- (Guess Who?@not ever.com), July 06, 2001
Assuming Darrell Scott is engaging in fraud, a complete investigation including criminal proceedings would take considerably longer than four months. Try closer to four years. And until the criminal proceedings were finished, Darrell Scott can advertise himself however he pleases.
-- (irs@agent.gov), July 06, 2001.
"One would think that the even the IRS could close down a non- compliant or fraudulant 501C3 organization in four months."One would think the IRS could/would/should do a lot of things, but I don't think that Mr. Scott is real high on the IRS' radar. In any event, I am convinced that Mr. Scott is illegally claiming 501(c)(3) status, and that the IRS will eventually get around to him. So will your imaginary god.
Besides, if your so-called all-powerful god can't get around to wiping 'unclean' sodomites, 'evil' atheists, 'satanic' public-school teachers and "liberal" journalists off the face of the earth, then you've got a lot of gall bitching about the IRS not getting around to Mr. Scott.
Have a nice day, Ain't.
-- Already Done Happened (oh,yeah@it.did.com), July 07, 2001.