(SHT)If you could ask a dying person...

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...any question, knowing they would be forthright, honest, and would be willing to "let you know" what happens after death, what would it be?

My wife's cousin is terminal w/cancer now. Three months, they say.

She's one of those people you meet, and just love, for whatever reason. I know there will be religious slants, but I really am looking for questions that would be more "proof/paranoramal" in nature.

What would you ask someone (who's not offended by the idea) to do or "show you" after they depart their physical body?

PS-as an advance thanks, I know some will be praying... thank you, and God bless.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001



You are asking a question about the "spiritual" world, or reality. The is no scientific way to validate this side of life or dimension. If you have spent time in study of the countless stories about this matter, you already know, understand, and believe in that reality. If you have doubts about it, no amount of "proof" will convince you, and numerous current "debunkers" with many professional degrees after their name will simply explain that any sort of validation by that person after death is merely your own brain doing gymnastics, or even hallucinating. If, for instance, that person came to you after their death during one of your dreams, or even appeared in a ghost-like way during a waking moment, what would you conclude? Real, or imagined? If you are right now inclined to dismiss such apparitions you will still dismiss them after it happens to you.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

From the perspectives of both what I've been taught by my spiritual tradition, and what I've experienced:

No matter what she may say now, once she has died she will not necessarily have the same motivations, perspectives, or desires she has now. It's no longer a time when "doing stuff" is quite so important to them.

It's lovely if one can agree to have contact and have it be apparent that it happens after the death, but if it doesn't happen does not mean anything about love or existence. Don't let it be a "gotcha!" result to confirm any particular theory.

From what I've read of the literature on ghosts, being dead doesn't automatically mean that one is more aware or perceptive apres-vie. Ghosts seem to have a hard time realizing they are dead, which is why they haven't moved on.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

Well, here's a short story for you, G8DD...I had a very close lady friend that everyone called Granny....put you in mind of Granny Clammpett....and just as fiesty.

She said to me one day, you know I can't live forever, and when i die, I am going to pinch you on the A$$ and you'll know it's me! It was shortly after this conversation, she became very ill, went into a coma and never woke up out of it. (I believe we all have an inner knowing when our time is coming , even if we don't PHYSICALLY know, I think our Spirit knows.

Anyway, her daughter gave me a gold leafed tea cup she used to "read" from...(Granny read coffee grounds in a tea cup..I felt odd taking it, but then figured, yea, maybe "Granny DID want me to have it. She told me for years I could read the coffee grounds better then most.

Months went by, and I never "read" the coffee grounds...and one day a mutual friend came over and said, PLEASE read for me, I miss Granny's help and I know you can do it. I still was uncomfortable...just then, I felt a pinch on my A$$ and hear these words in my head, I made sure you got the damn thing, now USE it!"

I laughed till I cried, because I waited and waited and waited...for Granny to contact me, and she never did, then when I was more focaused on someone else, and them reaching for help, Granny FINALLY pinched me! And that was 23 yrs ago, and she's never "pinched" me again!

Course, I've ALWAYS known there is so much more for us on the other side of the veil. :^)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

SAR, that's a great story! Dood, sounds like this is the way to go--except ask your wife's cousin not to pinch your butt if you're in a crowd--say at Sears or in church or something.

I'm sorry your family has to go through such an awful time but I know from your writing you're a strong person and will help everyone--including yourself--to get through it with not only strength and dignity but also with some appropriate humor.

It occurs to me--there's an Institute for the Paranormal in Durham. Perhaps you could contact them and ask what the most common "contacts" have been like. I've found their site--they've changed their name: Rhine Research Center

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001


That was a perfect example of being contacted by the spirit of someone who has left this physical plane and moved on. For you, it was immediately recognized and understood as a contact.

For a doubter, or skeptic, it would probably be explained as an intense imagined experience, created by your own brain/nervous system. They would call the pinch feeling just another one of those aches or pains we sometimes feel in our body. They would call the "message" that went with it just an imagined thought you had from having known the personal before their death, triggered by you looking at the cup again.

So, there you have it. If a person is truly open to spiritual realities they will accept that moment as a confirmation. If they are doubters, they will explain it away as coincidence or brain trick. The doubter will never receive any message that they can't explain away as simply a trick of their own nervous system and senses.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

Thanks to all for the replies. OG, you make me blush! I may just not "ask" anything. There is indeed an afterlife. I know this to be true, this post was more along the lines of a "has this happened to you", or a "what if" scenario.

I do indeed know there is another side to this coin we call "life", and appreciate all your thoughts.

Sue, what a GREAT story!

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001

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