SL HH tip, creases in clothes : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Unwanted Creases in Clothing If a crease is bothering you, get rid of it by pouring white vinegar on a clean cloth and dab the crease. Then, put a pressing cloth over the garment, and move a warm iron over the creased area. It usually works like a dream.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001


Dryer Maintenance:Dryer Maintenance

The most important maintenance of clothes dryers involves lint removal. The lint filter usually gets cleaned with each use of the dryer, but what about the vent and area inside the dryer cabinet? At least once a year, disassemble the vent and clean out any accumulated lint. The same goes for dryer cabinet: get in there and remove all lint. If your dryer has a plastic flex vent, now is a good time to replace it with aluminum. Plastic can contribute to a fire. Look for the periscope-type vent hook-up. This allows the dryer to sit closer to the wall.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

The best time to remove the lint is immediately after it finishes its cycle. Less opportunity for the lint to drift down that way.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

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