11 Sure Signs of Jesus' Returngreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
The 11 sure signs that He is the true Jesus Christ of the Second Coming:He is a White Republican
Has a "Rush is Right" tattoo on his ass
Wears a dark suit with a red tie
Carries an M16 with bandoleer
Sorts a spiffy Himmler haircut
Carries a dead fetus in a towel
Swings an "I-ME-MY-MINE-TAX MONEY" placard over his shoulder
Has a headband with an 800 number on where to send him all your money
Carries assortment of paddles, canes and whips engraved with: "Bring unto me the little children"
Advocates executing more people more often more quickly
Hates homosexuals and lesbians very VERY much
-- (mothermary@hairitic.jps.net), July 04, 2001
Yawn, now you are just a bore......
-- Rob (celtic64@mindspring.com), July 04, 2001.
Has someone been in your face lately, mothermary? That type is hard to ignore. I haven't noticed anyone here like that.
-- helen (hairy@ticks.scare.me), July 04, 2001.
Helen, I'm pretty sure that this is Louis ("Mr. Polly"), who has always been this way.
-- Peter Errington (petere@ricochet.net), July 04, 2001.
Carries a dead fetus in a towelYou are admitting that a fetus in utero is alive?
Jonathon Swift you are not.
-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), July 04, 2001.
"Has someone been in your face lately, mothermary? That type is hard to ignore. I haven't noticed anyone here like that.-- helen (hairy@ticks.scare.me), July 04, 2001." No one has been in my face. I'm trying to get some religious dialect going, but I see that you find my offerings offensive. This leads me to believe that my subject matter is way above your intellict head. Whatsa matter, can't handle someone or something new to talk about?
-- (mothermary@hairitic.jps.net), July 05, 2001.
No, I am pretty sure that you are not over helen's head.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), July 05, 2001.
"Yawn, now you are just a bore......-- Rob (celtic64@mindspring.com), July 04, 2001."
People who often reply with your type of come back, always attack the personal poster. People like you never have a constructive rebuttal to the argument. To you I am a bore, to others I may be otherwise.
-- (mothermary@hairitic.jps.net), July 05, 2001.
"religious dialect". LOL
-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), July 05, 2001.
"religious dialect". LOLAnd where is yours?
-- (mothermary@hairitic.jps.net)), July 05, 2001.
Always did think that most Baptist preachers had a certain "twang" to their sermons.
-- Jack Booted Thug (governmentconspiracy@NWO.com), July 05, 2001.
I love you mothermary. I did try to respond to you in a conversational manner, but to be honest I know more about mule poop than theology.
-- helen (hairy@ticks.evolving), July 05, 2001.
Figures Helen.
-- (mothermary@hairitic.jps.net), July 05, 2001.
Helen, MM don't even know mule poop.
-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), July 05, 2001.
If you want discussion, mothermary, it might help to give the benefit of the doubt to those who respond to you.
-- helen (mule@poop.is.interesting.too), July 05, 2001.
"Yawn, now you are just a bore...... -- Rob (celtic64@mindspring.com), July 04, 2001."People who often reply with your type of come back, always attack the personal poster. People like you never have a constructive rebuttal to the argument. To you I am a bore, to others I may be otherwise.
-- (mothermary@hairitic.jps.net), July 05, 2001.
ROFL!! What argument?? Sorry, I must have missed it, but re-reading your three post I can find nothing to rebut. If you'd care to find something intelligent to discuss, I'd give all the time in the world! I love discussing politics and religion, but what you've posted here is an axe to grind, not the start of any intellectual pursuit....... I love you too Helen!!!
-- Rob (celtic64@mindspring.com), July 05, 2001.
I re-read your post, mothermary. The word images you evoke are as foreign to me as if you had claimed Jesus would reappear* Wearing a frilly, pink, off-the-shoulder dress
* Carrying a white purse
* Sporting a 60's beehive hairdo
My word pictures are meant to make you laugh. What were you trying to do with your word pictures?
-- helen (mule@poop.ambrosia), July 05, 2001.
Wuzza matta Rob. Did you get bored or locked out of the trailer? ;-(
-- (mothermary@hairitic.jsp.not), July 05, 2001.
Sorry, mothermary, but Rob is right. You made no 'argument' to rebut. First you need to advance one or more propositions. You did that. Next you have to make an argument either in support or opposition. You didn't do that.Since you made no argument in support or oppopsition of the propositions, there is nothing to rebut. All Rob could say would be "I agree" or "I diagree". Or he could build an argument for you to rebut.
-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), July 05, 2001.