Jesus Christ My Ass! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


The Religious Right has re-created Jesus Christ in their own image. The Prince of Peace and Lord of Love is no longer remembered for the Beatitudes; giving the kingdom of Heaven to the meek, the peacemakers, the merciful, the persecuted and social outcasts. Nor are his parables of turning the other cheek, throwing the first rock, or his attacks on greed, money, and the rich ever mentioned. Even his most famous statement, "Father forgive them" is no longer part of the repertoire of these so-called Christians. Listen, watch, HEAR what the Religious Right is saying, the direction they pursue and the ideology expressed:

Who stand in front of clinics screaming at women in turmoil, hurting them further by calling them murderers and claiming they are going to Hell. Jesus Christ my ass.

Who prays for the death of doctors, Liberal Supreme Court Justices and politicians. Jesus Christ my ass.

Who is stalking families, disseminating hate literature, nailing up wanted posters, making or refusing to decry threats, arson and murder. Jesus Christ my ass.

Who are in the forefront of adamantly protecting the rights of parents and schools to hit, paddle, spank, clobber, whip and wallop little kids? Jesus Christ my ass.

Who leads the campaign of hate and legal discrimination toward homosexuals and lesbians, piling on the persecuted and outcasts? Jesus Christ my ass.

Who leads the call for no mercy, no forgiveness, no compassion, life in prison and executions in the criminal justice system. Jesus Christ my ass.

Who funds clandestine wars in the basement of the White House murdering tens of thousands of peasants? Jesus Christ my ass.

Who's out waving flags in parades every time we kill a hundred thousand or so people? Jesus Christ my ass.

What these people are, is ignorant intolerant, hate filled bigots using Christianity to push their right-wing political agenda.

-- (, July 04, 2001


The Religious Right has re-created Jesus Christ in their own image. The Prince of Peace and Lord of Love is no longer remembered for the Beatitudes; giving the kingdom of Heaven to the meek, the peacemakers, the merciful, the persecuted and social outcasts. Nor are his parables of turning the other cheek, throwing the first rock, or his attacks on greed, money, and the rich ever mentioned. Even his most famous statement, "Father forgive them" is no longer part of the repertoire of these so-called Christians. The religious right can re-create all they want, but essential Jesus Christ is and will be the same now and forever. Do not let the twisted minds of today's christians stand in the way of the truth.

Who was in the forefront of adamantly protecting children? Jesus Christ

Who lead the campaign of tolerance and acceptance (of the person) of the homosexual, the aldultess, and the leper? Jesus Christ.

Who led the calss for mercy and forgiveness, (let he who is without sin cast the first stone). Jesus Christ

Don't let your liberal, secular mind become so clouded in anger of these *christian* misfits that the truth escapes you. We humans have done some horrible things to each other in the name of religion and not just the Christian religion either. Islam, Hindu's, and others all have bloody hands.

-- Rob (, July 04, 2001.

let me clean up the html stuff a bit ..... The Religious Right has re-created Jesus Christ in their own image. The Prince of Peace and Lord of Love is no longer remembered for the Beatitudes; giving the kingdom of Heaven to the meek, the peacemakers, the merciful, the persecuted and social outcasts. Nor are his parables of turning the other cheek, throwing the first rock, or his attacks on greed, money, and the rich ever mentioned. Even his most famous statement, "Father forgive them" is no longer part of the repertoire of these so-called Christians.

The religious right can re-create all they want, but essential Jesus Christ is and will be the same now and forever. Do not let the twisted minds of today's christians stand in the way of the truth.

Who was in the forefront of adamantly protecting children? Jesus Christ

Who lead the campaign of tolerance and acceptance (of the person) of the homosexual, the aldultess, and the leper? Jesus Christ.

Who led the calss for mercy and forgiveness, (let he who is without sin cast the first stone). Jesus Christ

Don't let your liberal, secular mind become so clouded in anger of these *christian* misfits that the truth escapes you. We humans have done some horrible things to each other in the name of religion and not just the Christian religion either. Islam, Hindu's, and others all have bloody hands

-- Rob (, July 04, 2001.

My own personal observation is that the most intolerant Christians have a penchant for reading and quoting the OT for their moral precepts. The major use they make of the NT is to establish the exclusivity of Christanity as a means of salvation. This is a killer combination for raising the level of one's righteousness far above the level of one's mercy.

-- Little Nipper (, July 04, 2001.

mothermary--- You tell the truth! Lil Nipper--- Beautifully written commentary. May I suggest: "'s SELF-righteousness ...far above..." I live with the hope that the hatefulness of the far right will be fully exposed one day. The politicos behind this are so adept at propaganda laced with Biblical quotes that it's easy to see how people of faith are sucked in. But enough is enough. It reeks of hate, causes divisiveness, and promotes wrong- headed leglislation. We're on our way to the "Balkinization" of our country if good people don't stand against this corruption and, for God's sake, speak out.

-- Miss Ann Thrope (, July 04, 2001.

Rest assuredly in the Promise of God himself, "no one who lives this way will inherit the kingdom of heaven"

Jesus said to the goats (those on his right) "away from me, you evil doers. *I* never knew you" (THIS after the 'religious' made a list of all the righteous things they had done)

"mothermary"- the people you site are in noway defined by the Scriptures as Christians.

-- Jesus Christ my ROCK (He@ROCKS.!), July 04, 2001.

Rob: I don't think you need to worry about folks getting the wrong impression. Most of us have read the bible once or twice [whether we chose to follow that path or not]. I think we recognize when folks FOLLOW the path or simply SAY they do.

-- Anita (, July 04, 2001.

dang, this is 1 goooood post. yup they,re using jesus for there OWN agenda. sure ain,t the jesus i know. let's seeJESUS said''I have not come to condemn the world'' yup=judaism failed.temple got destroyed. good old PAUL brought the gospel of GRACE!! NEW COVENANT=CHRIST [IN] US DOING THE WORKS[OF]LOVE. chilling [in] what HE can do-not our puny striving.

yup chillin [in]his love is the=way!!

-- al-d. (, July 04, 2001.

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