Slideshow Nightmares : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I've read some of the posts on the different VCD forums and I am still not able to figure this slideshow thing out. I have been trying for a couple of weeks to make a still image slideshow with music that can be played on my standalone DVD player. Any attempts that I have tried either have poor quality or poor audio. I was wondering if you could give me step-by-step instructions on how to do this? Unfortunately alot of this stuff is way over my head so try to keep it in laymans terms. Also, programs like Photorelay have problems with the audio and picture display working out correctly. My Dvd player is compliant.

I have Winoncd 3.8 Nero 5.5 Roxio EZ Cd Creator 5 Platinum with PhotoRelay Ulead Video Studio 5 TMPEG

I'm quite sure you are my best hope. My daughters cheer squad is counting on me!!

Any Help Would be greatly appreciated!


-- Ron Giao (, July 04, 2001


the answer is simple, its your dvd player thats preventing music play back cause it cannot decode mpeg layer 2 audio which is what WOCD encodes to. Only a few dvd players are capable, but you can tak eyour slides and music and put them into a combined stream in Adobe Premier and encode to mpg, but its likely then you will lose pic quality, but the music should work then.


-- tygrus (, July 04, 2001.

Well, Ron, if you just want to impress your daughters cheer squad here's what I would do with the software you got on hand : Start Ulead Video Studio, Create a new project and than load all your pictures. Give 'em like 5 seconds each and a nice transition effect. There of course you can also add sound, music, titles, etc. Once you're done render it to a VCD compliant MPEG-1 stream. Start up Nero and make a VCD by dragging your MPEG file into the VCD Window. I do find the quality quit acceptable of these slide shows and certainly the family loves it. There's only 2 little problems : 1.) You can not jump to any specific pictures, e.g there's no menu you can create. 2.) If your pictures are scanned in the wrong formates the pictures are getting distorted. You better think about that before scanning. You do need your pictures in a landscape format with the correct "Monitor- or TV-Format".

Let me know if you are satisfied with the outcome

Cheers - Hommer

-- Homer (, July 04, 2001.

Actually, I can do menu too. This is how:

1) each group of photos is created as one MPEG-1 file. Let say for example we have 3 groups (ALBUMS), one MPEG-1 file for each 2) create a title video (about 4sec long) with the text like this 1. this menu 2. vacation in Paris 3. Nice beach 4. on the way home (of course, use your own text description here 3) you will have 4 MPEG-1 files (the menu and the 3 albums) 4) burn them on a single VCD

when you put this disk in the DVD, DO NOT HIT PLAY BUTTON. Simply hit the numeric key 1 to see the menu, then hit 2,3 or 4 to play back the selected ALBUM.

Pretty simple. You can make SVCD, XVCD, etc... using this same method.

-- ktnwin (, July 06, 2001.

Its much more faster and easy to use the Dubit program (which you can download free) for combining images and sound, save as AVI, then convert to MPEG2 by Tmpeg. The problem is that you can use 480x480 pixels or 480x576 Maximum. The Nero can burn high resolution images but without sound and you can not add menus, does someone have a better idia ?

-- (, September 25, 2001.

Is it better to save a movie (created in STudio DV) as an avi file and then convert to mpeg using TMPGenc, rather than simply creating it as an mpeg in the first place (which you can do in Studio DV)?

The problem is the output quality - excellent on PC (in Windows Media Player), worse than VHS when shown on TV.

Any quality suggestions would be much appreciated.

-- dmlove (, January 17, 2002.

Hello!! Have you heard aboute Ulead DVD PictureShow? Ulead DVD PictureShow lets you use your CD or DVD burner to create exciting photo slideshows that play on many standard DVD players. Now you can easily share your photos on TV! From $29.95 You can burn Slideshows to CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW or DVD+R/W Drives Play CD and DVD Slideshows on Many DVD Players Add high quality, royalty-free audio to your multimedia projects with our Pick-a-Sound Collections.You can download a free trial on this page and read more aboute this software. I have tryed this and it's great.The pictures i very good.(The best i have seen).I have a Yamaha s520 dvd Player. Kind regards Gabriele :-)

-- Gabriele (, April 04, 2002.

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