Central of Georgia name trains

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I'd like to know the names of any Central of Georgia passenger and freight trains that would have been running thru or stopping at Albany, Ga in 1924


-- Byron Scott (byronscott@tribune.com), July 03, 2001


I have a CG 1922 and a 1926 public timetable that sheds a bit of light on this. The 1922 shows "The Southland" and "Dixie Flyer" from Chicago via Atlanta and The "Seminole Limited" and "The Floridan" from Chicago via Birmingham. All were daily except "The Floridan" which was tri-weekly and all had northbound counterparts.

The 1926 mentions all of the above trains with "The Floridan" now listed as daily. There are several additions/changes in the 1926 timetable. The "Seminole Limited" is now refered to as "The Seminole" and there is also a schedule for a "Seminole Express" although it is exactly the same schedule as shown for "The Seminole". The only differance I can find is "The Seminole" is listed as a sleeper only train, while the "Seminole Express" shows carrying coaches and sleepers. Perhaps "The Seminole" was marketed as a first class train when in fact it was 2 trains on the same schedule. Identically to this is the "Dixie Flyer" and a new name, "Dixie Express". Same schedules with the "Dixie Flyer" being sleeper only. A new name listed is the "Dixie Limited" which originated in Chicago and ran via Atlanta. Another new name is "The Flamingo" from Detroit/Cleveland via Atlanta. All these trains show as being daily.

While I couldn't nail 1924 I was able to hit around it. Perhaps some others here can narrow it down a bit more.

Bryan Smith

-- Bryan Smith (bsmith3608@aol.com), July 03, 2001.

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